Demystifying the loss function

Now we will examine the loss function of GAN. Before going ahead, let's recap the notations:

  • A noise that is fed as an input to the generator is represented by
  • The uniform or normal distribution from which the noise is sampled is represented by
  • An input image is represented by
  • Real data distribution or distribution of our training set is represented by
  • Fake data distribution or distribution of the generator is represented by

When we write , it implies that image is sampled from the real distribution, . Similarly, denotes that image is sampled from the generator distribution, , and implies that the generator input, , is sampled from the uniform distribution, .

We've learned that both the generator and discriminator are neural networks and both of them update their parameters through backpropagation. We now need to find the optimal generator parameter, , and the discriminator parameter, .

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