Generate the handwritten digit, 7

We set the digit (label) to generate as 7:

label_to_generate = 7
onehot = np.eye(10)

Set the number of iterations:

for epoch in range(num_epochs):

for i in range(len(images) // batch_size):

Sample images based on the batch size:

        batch_image = images[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]

Sample the condition that is, digit we want to generate:

        batch_c = labels[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]

Sample noise:

        batch_noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, (batch_size, 100))

Train the generator and compute the generator loss:

        generator_loss, _ =[D_loss, D_optimizer], {x: batch_image, c: batch_c, z: batch_noise})    

Train the discriminator and compute the discriminator loss:

        discriminator_loss, _ =[G_loss, G_optimizer], {x: batch_image, c: batch_c, z: batch_noise})

Randomly sample noise:

    noise = np.random.rand(1,100)

Select the digit we want to generate:

    gen_label = np.array([[label_to_generate]]).reshape(-1)

Convert the selected digit into a one-hot encoded vector:

    one_hot_targets = np.eye(num_classes)[gen_label]

Feed the noise and one hot encoded condition to the generator and generate the fake image:

    _fake_x =, {z: noise, c: one_hot_targets})
_fake_x = _fake_x.reshape(28,28)

Print the loss of generator and discriminator and plot the generator image:

    print("Epoch: {},Discriminator Loss:{}, Generator Loss: {}".format(epoch,discriminator_loss,generator_loss))

#plot the generated image

As you can see following plot, the generator has now learned to generate the digit 7 instead of generating other digits randomly:

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