Configuring Workflows

The Response Group workflow is what ties together the agent groups and workflows along with how calls should be routed. There are two types of workflows that can be created:

Hunt Group—A simple workflow that routes callers to queues based on time of day and agent availability.

Interactive—Allows the user to be prompted with questions and is then routed to queues based on the responses.

The two types of workflows share many configuration options, which are discussed in detail in the following:

Activate the Workflow—If this is selected, the workflow immediately begins to accept calls. This parameter can be changed later if the workflow should not immediately be active.

Enable for Federation—The workflow can be contacted by federated contacts if this option is selected.

Agent Anonymity—Selecting this option hides the identity of the agent after the call is established. There are some feature limitations imposed during the call if this is enabled. For example, conferencing, application and desktop sharing, file transfer, and call recording are not available.

Group Address—This is the SIP URI assigned to the workflow. This should be a unique URI in the organization.

Display Name—This is the name visible to clients when calling the workflow.

Telephone Number—This is the line URI for the workflow.

Display Number—This is the number visible to clients when calling the workflow. This can be in any format.

Description—This is a description for the workflow.

Workflow Type—This controls if the workflow can be left unmanaged, or managed by designated Response Group managers.

Language—This determines the language used for speech recognition or text-to-speech conversion.

Welcome Message—A configurable audio message can be played to callers as they enter the workflow. This can be accomplished either through text-to-speech or by uploading an existing audio recording.

Time Zone—This is the time zone that the opening and closing times are based around.

Business Hours Schedule—The schedule for the workflow can be based on an existing schedule created separately or it can be a custom schedule defined directly within the workflow.

Outside Business Hours Message—A configurable audio message can be played to callers if they dial the workflow outside of the defined business hours. This can be done through text-to-speech or by uploading an existing audio recording.

Outside Business Hours Action—If callers reach the workflow outside of the defined open hours, the call can be disconnected, forwarded to a voice mail box, forwarded to another SIP URI, or forwarded to a telephone number. This action occurs after the message is played, if it is defined.

Holiday Lists—This is a collection of days that are defined as holidays. A separate action can be taken on these days.

Holidays Message—A configurable audio message can be played to callers if they dial the workflow on a defined holiday. This can be done through text-to-speech or by uploading an existing audio recording.

Holidays Action—If callers reach the workflow during a defined holiday, the call can be disconnected, forwarded to a voice mail box, forwarded to another SIP URI, or forwarded to a telephone number. This action occurs after the message is played, if it is defined.

Queue—The queue selected here receives calls for this workflow.

Music on Hold—The default music on hold can be selected or administrators can configure a custom music on-hold file.

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