Modifying Meeting Configuration

The meeting configuration commands in Lync Server 2013 are provided to give organizations more control over what types of meetings are allowed to occur. When a meeting configuration is being modified, the following options are available:

PSTN Callers Bypass Lobby—Controls whether users who dial in to the conference from a PSTN phone are automatically entered into the meeting. If this option is not enabled, a presenter must admit all users in the lobby before they can participate in the conference. This generally is not an obstacle when the presenter is using Lync and can visibly see that users are waiting in a lobby, but consider a scenario in which presenters dial in from a PSTN number and do not have this visual clue. Presenters can use DTMF controls to admit users in the lobby, but not all users know this feature or find it easy to use.

Designate as Presenter—Controls which users can be promoted as presenters throughout the meeting. This can be set to no one, people from inside the organization, or everyone.

Assigned Conference Type by Default—Controls whether meetings are created with unique meeting IDs. An assigned conference in Lync is a static, persistent URL and conference ID that each user has. If set to true, each scheduled meeting has the same ID by default. If set to false, each meeting generates a unique ID. Using a unique ID can be helpful so that if a user has back-to-back meetings, attendees from the second meeting do not accidentally join the first meeting.

Admit Anonymous Users by Default—Controls whether anonymous, unauthenticated users are admitted into meetings by default.

Logo URL—Provides a custom image that is inserted in Online Meeting invitations.

Help URL—Provides a custom URL users can access to receive assistance with Online Meetings.

Legal Text URL—Provides a custom URL users can access to read legal disclaimer information.

Custom Footer Text—Adds text to the end of Online Meeting invitations.

To configure the meeting configuration, perform the following steps:

1. Open the Lync Server 2013 Control Panel.

2. Click Conferencing.

3. Click Meeting Configuration.

4. Highlight an existing configuration, click Edit, and select Show Details.

5. Select whether PSTN Callers Bypass Lobby.

6. Select a group to Designate as Presenter.

7. Select whether to use Assigned Conference Type by Default.

8. Select whether to Admit Anonymous Users by Default.

9. Optionally, enter custom URLs for Logo URL, Help URL, and Legal Text URL.

10. Optionally, enter any Custom Footer Text.

11. Click Commit when complete.

Two parameters for the meeting configuration are available only through the Set-CsMeetingConfiguration cmdlet:

RequireRoomSystemsAuthorizationA true or false value indicating whether all users must authenticate before joining a meeting using a Lync room system video endpoint.

EnableAssignedConferenceTypeA true or false value indicating whether the persistent, static conference IDs are allowed to be used.

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