Compliance Configuration

Persistent Chat compliance allows Lync administrators to maintain an archive of Persistent Chat messages as well as activities. For example, the activities that can be recorded and archived through compliance include new messages, new events such as a user entering a chat room, and searches that are performed against chat history. The compliance information can then be retrieved from the Compliance SQL database as needed.

After the Persistent Chat compliance feature has been enabled using the Topology Builder, it can then be configured using the Lync Server Management Shell. The cmdlet used to configure Persistent Chat compliance is Set-CsPersistentChatComplianceConfiguration. The parameters that can be set using this command include the following:

AdapterTypeAn adapter is a third-party product that converts the data in the compliance database to a specific format. Adapter types include Akonix, Assentor, Facetime, and XML (the default).

OneChatRoomPerOutputFileThis parameter allows separate reports to be created for each chat room.

AddChatRoomDetailsWhen enabled, this records additional details about each chat room in the database. This setting can greatly increase the size of the database, and therefore is disabled by default.

AddUserDetailsWhen enabled, this records additional details about each chat room user in the database. This setting can greatly increase the size of the database, and therefore is disabled by default.

RunIntervalThis parameter dictates the amount of time before the server outputs the next compliance output file (the default is 15 minutes).

IdentityThis setting allows compliance settings to be scoped for a particular collection, including the global, site, and service levels. If no identity is specified, the settings will apply to the global collection.

Additional parameters are also available and you can view them by executing the following command in the Management Shell:

Get-Help Set-CsPersistentChatComplianceConfiguration -Detailed

The following example sets the compliance properties for the global collection, specifying that separate reports be created for each chat room, and reducing the run interval to 10 minutes:

Set-CsPersistentChatComplianceConfiguration -OneChatRoomPerOutputFile $true -RunInterval 00:10:00

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