DNS Records

Successful sign-in to a Director pool is heavily dependent on DNS being correctly configured. The NSLookup tool can be used to verify that the necessary DNS records are in place as described in Chapter 10, “Persistent Chat.” It is important to check that all necessary DNS records exist and resolve to the correct locations.

A sample nslookup sequence within a command prompt to check the host record of the pool is presented here:

set type=a

A successful query will return a name and IP address. Verify that any IP returned matches the IP addresses assigned to the Directors or load balancer and that no extra, or incorrect, IP addresses are returned.

To verify the SRV record required for automatic client sign-in on internal networks the syntax is slightly different. Another sample nslookup sequence is presented here:

set type=srv

A successful query will return a priority, weight, port, and server hostname. Verify that the server name matches the Director pool and the correct port is returned.

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