
Book Description

Everything students need to know to develop their —management sense— and be successful

Fundamentals of Management covers the essential concepts of management by providing a solid foundation for understanding the key issues facing managers and organizations. The 11th Edition maintains a focus on learning and applying management theories, while now also highlighting opportunities to develop the skills in high demand by today—s employers. Fundamentals of Management offers an easy-to-understand, straightforward, and realistic approach to what works for managers and what doesn—t -- with the ultimate goal to help students be successful in their careers.

Table of Contents

  1. Fundamentals of Management
  2. Brief Contents
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
    1. New to This Edition
    2. Solving Teaching and Learning Challenges
    3. Chapter by Chapter Changes
    4. Instructor Teaching Resources
    5. Thank You!
    6. About the Authors
  5. Part 1 Introduction
    1. 1 Managers and Management in Today’s WorkplaceManagers and Management in Today’s Workplace
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. Who Are Managers and Where Do They Work?
        1. What Three Characteristics Do All Organizations Share?
        2. How Are Managers Different from Nonmanagerial Employees?
        3. What Titles Do Managers Have?
      3. What Is Management?
        1. Is the Manager’s Job Universal?
          1. Level in the Organization
          2. Profit Versus Not-for-profit
          3. Size Of Organization
          4. Management Concepts and National Borders
      4. 3 Ways to Look at What Managers Do
      5. Why Study Management?
      6. What Factors Are Reshaping and Redefining Management?
        1. Why Are Customers Important to the Manager’s Job?
        2. Why Is Innovation Important to the Manager’s Job?
        3. Importance of Social Media to the Manager’s Job
        4. Importance of Sustainability to the Manager’s Job
      7. What Employability Skills Are Critical for Getting and Keeping a Job?
      8. Wrapping It Up . . .
      9. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary By Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Becoming Politically Adept
          1. Skill Basics
          2. Practicing The Skill
      11. Case Application #1
        1. Training Better Managers...Now at Walmart Topic: Management training
          1. Discussion Questions
      12. Case Application #2
        1. Who Needs a Boss? Topic: Holacracy
          1. Discussion Questions
      13. Case Application #3
        1. Destroying the World Topic: Data Security and Data Breaches
          1. Discussion Questions
      14. Endnotes
    2. History ModuleA Brief History of Management’s Roots
      1. 1960s
      2. Contemporary Approaches
    3. 2 The Management Environment
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Is the External Environment and Why Is It Important?
        1. What Is the Economy Like Today?
          1. Snapshots of the economic context
          2. Economic Inequality and the Economic Context
          3. The Sharing Economy
        2. What Role Do Demographics Play?
      3. How Does the External Environment Affect Managers?
        1. What Is Organizational Culture?
          1. How Can Culture Be Described?
      4. How Does Organizational Culture Affect Managers?
        1. How Does Culture Affect What Employees Do?
        2. How Does Culture Affect What Managers Do?
      5. What Are Current Issues in Organizational Culture?
        1. Creating a Customer-Responsive Culture
        2. Creating an Innovative Culture
        3. Creating a Sustainability Culture
        4. Creating an Ethical Culture
        5. Creating a Learning Culture
      6. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      7. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Understanding Culture
        2. Skill Basics
        3. Practicing the Skill
      8. Case Application #1
        1. Bad Ride. Bumpy Ride. Topic: Organizational culture, organizational values, leader’s influence on culture
          1. Discussion Questions
      9. Case Application #2
        1. Not Sold Out Topic: External environment/trends
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Application #3
        1. Extreme Openness Topic: Organizational culture, openness, pay transparency
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Endnotes
    4. 3 Important Managerial IssuesImportant Managerial Issues
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Is Globalization and How Does It Affect Organizations?
        1. What Does It Mean to Be “Global”?
        2. How Do Organizations Go Global?
      3. What Are the Different Types of Global Organizations?
        1. “Which product is right for you?”
        2. “We don’t want people to think we’re based in any one place.” to think we’re based in any one place.”
        3. “This decision we’re making at headquarters has company-wide, world-wide implications.”
      4. What Do Managers Need to Know about Managing in a Global Organization?
      5. What Does Society Expect from Organizations and Managers?
        1. How Can Organizations Demonstrate Socially Responsible Actions?
        2. Should Organizations Be Socially Involved?
        3. What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?
      6. What Factors Determine Ethical and Unethical Behavior?
        1. In What Ways Can Ethics Be Viewed?
        2. How Can Managers Encourage Ethical Behavior?
          1. Codes of Ethics
          2. Ethical Leadership
          3. Ethics Training
      7. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      8. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Building High Ethical Standards
        2. Skill Basics
          1. What Your Organization Can Do
          2. Practicing the Skill
      9. Case Application #1
        1. Global Control Topic: Global organization, global ethics, and social responsibility
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Application #2
        1. Serious about Sustainability? Topic: Sustainability, environmental responsibility
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Case Application #3
        1. Flagrant Foul Topic: Business ethics
          1. Discussion Questions
      12. Endnotes
  6. Part 2 Planning
    1. 4 Making Decisions
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. How do Managers Make Decisions?
        1. What Defines a Decision Problem?
        2. What is Relevant in the Decision-Making Process?
        3. How Does the Decision Maker Weight the Criteria and Analyze Alternatives?
        4. What Determines the Best Choice?
        5. What Happens in Decision Implementation?
        6. What is the Last Step in the Decision Process?
        7. What Common Errors Are Committed in the Decision-Making Process?
      3. What Types of Decisions and Decision-Making Conditions Do Managers Face?
        1. How Do Problems Differ?
        2. How Does a Manager Make Programmed Decisions?
          1. Procedures
          2. Rules
          3. Policies
        3. How Do Nonprogrammed Decisions Differ from Programmed Decisions?
        4. How Are Problems, Types of Decisions, and Organizational Level Integrated?
        5. What Decision-Making Conditions Do Managers Face?
      4. How Do Groups Make Decisions?
        1. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision Making?
          1. Advantages of Group Decisions
          2. Disadvantages of Group Decisions
          3. The Tragedy of Groupthink
        2. When Are Groups Most Effective?
        3. How Can You Improve Group Decision Making?
          1. What Is Brainstorming?
          2. How does the Nominal Group Technique Work?
          3. How can Electronic Meetings Enhance Group Decision Making?
      5. What Contemporary Decision-Making Issues Do Managers Face?
        1. How Does National Culture Affect Managers’ Decision Making?
        2. Why Are Creativity and Design Thinking Important in Decision Making?
          1. Understanding Creativity
          2. Understanding Design Thinking
        3. How is big data changing the way managers make decisions?
          1. Big Data Today
      6. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      7. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Being a Creative Decision Maker
          1. Skill Basics
          2. Practicing the Skill
      8. Case Application #1
        1. Big Brown Numbers Topic: Efficiency, sustainability
          1. Discussion Questions
      9. Case Application #2
        1. The Business of Baseball Topic: Big data
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Application #3
        1. Slicing the Line Topic: Decision-making process, creative problem solving
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Endnotes
    2. Quantitative Module Quantitative Decision-Making Tools
      1. Payoff Matrices
      2. Decision Trees
      3. Break-Even Analysis
      4. Linear Programming
      5. Queuing Theory
      6. Economic Order Quantity Model
      7. Endnotes
    3. 5 Planning and Goal Setting
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Is Planning and Why Do Managers Need to Plan?
        1. Why Should Managers Formally Plan?
        2. What Are Some Criticisms of Formal Planning and How Should Managers Respond?
        3. Does Formal Planning Improve Organizational Performance?
      3. What Do Managers Need to Know about Strategic Management?
        1. What Is Strategic Management?
        2. Why Is Strategic Management Important?
        3. What Are the Steps in the Strategic Management Process?
      4. What Strategies Do Managers Use?
        1. 1 Corporate Strategy
        2. 2 Competitive Strategy
          1. Important Role of Competitive Advantage
          2. Types of Competitive Strategies
        3. 3 Functional Strategy
        4. What Strategic Weapons Do Managers Have?
          1. Quality as a Strategic Weapon
          2. Social Media as a Strategic Weapon
          3. Big Data and Digital Tools as Strategic Weapons
      5. How Do Managers Set Goals and Develop Plans?
        1. What Types of Goals Do Organizations Have and How Do They Set Those Goals?
          1. Types of Goals
          2. Setting Goals
            1. Traditional Goal Setting
            2. Management by Objectives
            3. Characteristics of Well-Written Goals
            4. Steps in Setting Goals
        2. What Types of Plans Do Managers Use and How Do They Develop Those Plans?
          1. Types of Plans
            1. Breadth
            2. Time Frame
            3. Specificity
            4. Frequency of Use
          2. Developing Plans
            1. Contingency Factors in Planning
            2. Approaches to Planning
      6. What Contemporary Planning Issues Do Managers Face?
        1. How Can Managers Plan Effectively in Dynamic Environments and in Crisis Situations?
          1. Dynanic Environments
          2. Crisis Situations
        2. How Can Managers Use Environmental Scanning?
      7. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      8. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Being a Good Goal Setter
        2. Skill Basics
        3. Practicing the Skill
      9. Case Application #1
        1. Fast Fashion Topics: Organizational growth strategy, competitive advantage, and social responsibility
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Application #2
        1. Mapping a New Direction Topic: Strategic change, strategic planning, and strategic leadership
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Case Application #3
        1. Using Tech to Sell Pizza Topic: Technology and strategy
          1. Discussion Questions
      12. Endnotes
    4. 6 Managing Change and Innovation
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Is Change and How Do Managers Deal with It?
        1. Why Do Organizations Need to Change?
          1. What External Forces Create a Need to Change?
          2. What Internal Forces Create a Need to Change?
        2. Who Initiates Organizational Change?
        3. How Does Organizational Change Happen?
          1. 1 What is the “Calm Waters” Metaphor?What is the “Calm Waters” Metaphor?
          2. 2 What is the “White-Water Rapids” Metaphor?What is the “White-Water Rapids” Metaphor?
          3. Does Every Manager Face a World of Constant and Chaotic Change?
          4. How do Organizations Implement Planned Changes?
      3. How do Managers Manage Resistance to Change?
        1. Why Do People Resist Organizational Change?
        2. What Are Some Techniques for Reducing Resistance to Organizational Change?
        3. What Reaction Do Employees Have to Organizational Change?
          1. Job-related factors:
          2. Personal factors
          3. How Can Stress Be Managed?
      4. How Can Managers Encourage Innovation in an Organization?
        1. How Are Creativity and Innovation Related?
        2. What’s Involved in Innovation?
        3. How Can a Manager Foster Innovation?
          1. How do Structural Variables Affect Innovation?
          2. How Does an Organization’s Culture Affect Innovation?
          3. What Human Resource Variables Affect Innovation?
        4. How Does Design Thinking Influence Innovation?
      5. What Is Disruptive Innovation and Why Is Managing It So Important?
        1. What Is Disruptive Innovation?
        2. Why Is Disruptive Innovation Important?
        3. What Are the Implications of Disruptive Innovation?
          1. For Entrepreneurs
          2. For Corporate Managers.
          3. For Personal Career Planning.
      6. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      7. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Stress Management
          1. Controlling Workplace Stress
          2. Skill Basics
          3. Practicing the Skill
      8. Case Application #1
        1. Defeating The System. Topic: Changing Culture
          1. Discussion Questions
      9. Case Application #2
        1. The Next Big Thing Topic: Organizational change, innovative culture
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Application #3
        1. Time to Change? Topic: Disruptive innovation
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Endnotes
    5. 7 Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Is the Context of Entrepreneurship and Why Is It Important?
        1. What Is Entrepreneurship?
        2. Is Entrepreneurship Different from Self-Employment?
        3. Who’s Starting Entrepreneurial Ventures?
        4. Why Is Entrepreneurship Important?
          1. Innovation
          2. Number of New Startups
          3. Job Creation
          4. Global Entrepreneurship
        5. What Do Entrepreneurs Do?
          1. Assessing Potential and Starting up
          2. Launching The Venture
          3. Managing The Venture
      3. What Happens in the Entrepreneurial Process?
        1. What Social Responsibility and Ethics Issues Face Entrepreneurs?
          1. Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurs
          2. Entrepreneurial Ethics
      4. What’s Involved in Planning New Ventures?
        1. What Initial Efforts Must Entrepreneurs Make?
        2. How Should Entrepreneurs Research the Venture’s Feasibility?
          1. Generating Ideas
          2. Evaluating Ideas
          3. “Getting the Dirt” on Competitors
          4. Show me the Money
        3. What Planning Do Entrepreneurs Need to Do?
        4. What Additional Planning Considerations Do Entrepreneurs Need to Address?
          1. Organizational Values, Vision, and Mission
          2. Organizational Culture
      5. What’s Involved in Organizing an Entrepreneurial Venture?
        1. What Are the Legal Forms of Organization for Entrepreneurial Ventures?
        2. What Type of Organizational Structure Should Entrepreneurial Ventures Use?
        3. What Human Resource Management Issues Do Entrepreneurs Face?
          1. Employee Recruitment
          2. Employee Retention
      6. What’s Involved in Leading an Entrepreneurial Venture?
        1. What Type of Personality Characteristics Do Entrepreneurs Have?
        2. How Can Entrepreneurs Motivate Employees?
        3. How Can Entrepreneurs Be Leaders?
      7. What’s Involved in Controlling an Entrepreneurial Venture?
        1. How Is Growth Managed?
        2. How Are Downturns Managed?
        3. What’s Involved with Exiting the Venture?
        4. Why Is It Important to Think about Managing Personal Challenges as an Entrepreneur?
      8. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      9. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Developing Grit
          1. Skill Basics
          2. Practicing the Skill
      10. Case Application #1
        1. A Restaurant That Does More Than Just Feed Customers Topic: Social entrepreneurship
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Case Application #2
        1. The X Factor Topic: Women entrepreneurs, EV funding
          1. Discussion Questions
      12. Case Application #3
        1. Eyeing the Future Topic: Opportunities, entrepreneurial ideas
          1. Discussion Questions
      13. Endnotes
  7. Part 3 Organizing
    1. 8 Organizational Structure and Design
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Are the Six Key Elements in Organizational Design?
        1. 1 What Is Work Specialization?
          1. Traditional View
          2. Today’s View
        2. 2 What Is Departmentalization?
          1. Traditional View
          2. Today’s View
        3. 3 What Are Authority and Responsibility?
          1. Traditional View
          2. What are the Different Types of Authority Relationships?
          3. What is Unity of Command?
          4. Today’s View
          5. How do Authority and Power Differ?
        4. 4 What Is Span of Control?
          1. Traditional View
          2. Today’s View
        5. 5 How Do Centralization and Decentralization Differ?
          1. Traditional View
          2. Today’s View
        6. 6 What Is Formalization?
          1. Traditional View
          2. Today’s View
      3. What Contingency Variables Affect Structural Choice?
        1. Mechanistic organization (or bureaucracy)
        2. Organic organization
      4. What Are Some Common Organizational Designs?
        1. What Traditional Organizational Designs Can Managers Use?
          1. What is the Simple Structure?
          2. What is the Functional Structure?
          3. What is the Divisional Structure?
        2. What Contemporary Organizational Designs Can Managers Use?
          1. What are Team Structures?
          2. What are Matrix and Project Structures?
          3. What is a Boundaryless Organization?
      5. What Are Today’s Organizational Design Challenges?
        1. How Do You Keep Employees Connected?
        2. How Do Global Differences Affect Organizational Structure?
        3. How Do You Build a Learning Organization?
        4. How Can Managers Design Efficient and Effective Flexible Work Arrangements?
          1. What’s Involved in Remote Work or Telecommuting?
          2. How can Organizations use Compressed Workweeks, Flextime, and Job Sharing?
          3. What is a Contingent Workforce?
      6. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      7. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Increasing Your Power
          1. Skill Basics
          2. Practicing the Skill
      8. Case Application #1
        1. Turbulence at United Air Topic: Organizational structure, employee behavior
          1. Discussion Questions
      9. Case Application #2
        1. Lift Off Topic: Learning organization, knowledge resources
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Application #3
        1. A New Kind of Structure Topic: Virtual assistants
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Endnotes
    2. 9 Managing Human Resources and Diversity
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Is the Human Resource Management Process and What Influences It?
        1. What Is the Legal Environment of HRM?
          1. What Are The Primary U.S. Laws Affecting HRM?
          2. Are HRM Laws The Same Globally?
      3. How Do Managers Identify and Select Competent Employees?
        1. 1 What Is Employment Planning?
          1. (1) How Does an Organization Do a Current HR Assessment?
          2. (2) How Are Future Employee Needs Determined?
        2. 2A How Do Organizations Recruit Employees?
          1. Where Does A Manager Recruit Applicants?
        3. 2B How Does a Manager Handle Layoffs?
          1. What Are Downsizing Options?
        4. 3 How Do Managers Select Job Applicants?
          1. What is Reliability?
          2. What is Validity?
          3. How Effective Are Tests And Interviews As Selection Devices?
          4. How Can You “close The Deal”?
      4. How Are Employees Provided with Needed Skills and Knowledge?
        1. How Are New Hires Introduced to the Organization?
        2. What Is Employee Training?
          1. How Are Employees Trained?
          2. How Can Managers Ensure That Training Is Working?
      5. Keeping Great People: Two Ways Organizations Do This
        1. Three approaches to multiperson comparison
        2. Traditional Manager-Employee Performance Evaluation Systems May Be Outdated Due To:41
          1. When Employee’s Performance Is Not Up to Par…
      6. What Contemporary HRM Issues Face Managers?
        1. How Can Managers Manage Downsizing?
        2. What Is Sexual Harassment?
        3. How Are Organizations and Managers Adapting to a Changing Workforce?
          1. Work/Life Balance Programs
          2. Contingent Jobs
      7. How Can Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Be Managed?
        1. What Is Workforce Diversity?
        2. What Types of Diversity Are Found in Workplaces?
          1. Age
          2. Gender
          3. Race and Ethnicity
          4. Disability/Abilities
          5. Religion
          6. LGBTQ—Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
          7. Other Types Of Diversity
        3. How Does Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Affect HRM?
        4. What about Inclusion?
      8. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
        1. Discussion Questions
      9. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Providing Good Feedback
          1. Skill Basics
          2. Practicing the Skill
      10. Case Application #1
        1. Race Relations Topic: Unconscious (implicit) bias, racial-bias training
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Case Application #2
        1. Résumé Regrets Topic: Résumé discrepancies
          1. Discussion Questions
      12. Case Application #3
        1. Spotting Talent Topic: Attracting/selecting talent
          1. Discussion Questions
      13. Endnotes
    3. Professionalism Module Professionalism and Employability
      1. What is Professionalism?
      2. How Can I Show My Professionalism?
      3. How Can I Have a Successful Career?
    4. 10 Managing Work Groups and Work Teams
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Is a Group and What Stages of Development Do Groups Go Through?
        1. What Is a Group?
        2. What Are the Stages of Group Development?
      3. 5 Major Concepts of Group BehaviorMajor Concepts of Group Behavior
        1. Small Group Better At
        2. Large Group Better At
        3. Drawbacks of Large Groups
      4. How Are Groups Turned into Effective Teams?
        1. Are Work Groups and Work Teams the Same?
        2. What Are the Different Types of Work Teams?
        3. What Makes a Team Effective?
          1. What Factors in the Context Appear to Make a Team Effective?
          2. What Team Composition Factors Lead to Effectiveness?
          3. How Does Work Design Affect Team Effectiveness?
          4. What Team Processes are Related to Team Effectiveness?
        4. How Can a Manager Shape Team Behavior?
          1. What Role Does Selection Play?
          2. Can Individuals be Trained to be Team Players?
          3. What Role do Rewards Play in Shaping Team Players?
      5. What Current Issues Do Managers Face in Managing Teams?
        1. What’s Involved with Managing Global Teams?
          1. How do Team Composition Factors Affect Managing a Global Team?
          2. How Does Team Structure Affect Managing a Global Team?
          3. How do Team Processes Affect Managing a Global Team?
        2. When Are Teams Not the Answer?
      6. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
        1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
          1. Discussion Questions
      7. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
        1. Management Skill Builder Developing Your Coaching Skills
          1. Skill Basics
          2. Practicing the Skill
      8. Case Application #1
        1. Rx: Teamwork Topic: Team-based model
          1. Discussion Questions
      9. Case Application #2
        1. Building Better Software Build Teams Topic: Team effectiveness
          1. Discussion Questions
      10. Case Application #3
        1. Employees Managing Themselves—Good Idea or Not? Topic: Self-managed teams
          1. Discussion Questions
      11. Endnotes
  8. Part 4 Leading
    1. 11 Understanding Individual Behavior
      1. Learning Outcomes
      2. What Are the Focus and Goals of Organizational Behavior?
        1. What Is the Focus of OB?
        2. What Are the Goals of Organizational Behavior?
      3. What Role Do Attitudes Play in Job Performance?
        1. What Are the Three Components of an Attitude?
        2. What Attitudes Might Employees Hold?
        3. Do Individuals’ Attitudes and Behaviors Need to Be Consistent?
        4. What Is Cognitive Dissonance Theory?
        5. How Can an Understanding of Attitudes Help Managers Be More Effective?
      4. What Do Managers Need to Know About Personality?
        1. How Can We Best Describe Personality?
          1. What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?
          2. What is the Big Five Model Of Personality?
          3. What Is Emotional Intelligence?
        2. Can Personality Traits Predict Practical Work-Related Behaviors?
        3. How Do We Match Personalities and Jobs?
        4. Do Personality Attributes Differ Across Cultures?
        5. How Can an Understanding of Personality Help Managers Be More Effective?
      5. What Is Perception and What Influences It?
        1. What Influences Perception?
        2. How Do Managers Judge Employees?
          1. What Is Attribution Theory?
          2. Can Attributions Be Distorted?
          3. What Perceptual Shortcuts Do We Use?
        3. How Can an Understanding of Perception Help Managers Be More Effective?
      6. How Do Learning Theories Explain Behavior?
        1. Shaping Behavior
          1. How Can an Understanding of Learning Help Managers Be More Effective?
            1. Manage Employees’ Learning
              1. Watch What You Reward
              2. Watch What You Do
              3. What Contemporary OB Issues Face Managers?
                1. How Do Generational Differences Affect the Workplace?
                  1. What Are The Generational Groups?
                  2. Dealing With the Managerial Challenges
                2. How Do Managers Deal with Negative Behavior in the Workplace?
              4. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
                1. Discussion Questions
              5. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
                1. Management Skill Builder Understanding Employee Emotions
                2. Skill Basics
                3. Practicing the Skill
              6. Case Application #1
                1. Getting All Emotional at Google Topic: Emotional intelligence?
                  1. Discussion Questions
              7. Case Application #2
                1. Putting Customers Second Topic: Employee-first culture, employee engagement surveys
                  1. Discussion Questions
              8. Case Application #3
                1. Adobe’s Advantage Topic: Employee satisfaction, employee surveys
                  1. Discussion Questions
              9. Endnotes
            2. 12 Motivating and Rewarding Employees
              1. Learning Outcomes
              2. What Is Motivation?
              3. 4 Early Theories of Motivation (1950s & 1960s)Early Theories of Motivation (1950s & 1960s)
                1. Motivating Employees
              4. How Do the Contemporary Theories Explain Motivation?
                1. What Is Goal-Setting Theory?
                2. How Does Job Design Influence Motivation?
                3. What Is Equity Theory?
                4. How Does Expectancy Theory Explain Motivation?
                5. How Can We Integrate Contemporary Motivation Theories?
              5. What Current Motivation Issues Do Managers Face?
                1. How Can Managers Motivate Employees When the Economy Stinks?
                2. How Does Country Culture Affect Motivation Efforts?
                3. How Can Managers Motivate Unique Groups of Workers?
                  1. (1) Motivating a Diverse Workforce
                  2. (2) Motivating Professionals
                  3. (3) Motivating Contingent Workers
                4. How Can Managers Design Appropriate Rewards Programs?
                  1. How can Open-book Management Programs Motivate Employees?
                  2. How can Managers use Employee Recognition Programs?
                  3. How can Managers use Pay-for-performance to Motivate Employees?
                  4. A Final Note on Employee Rewards Programs
              6. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
                1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
                  1. Discussion Questions
              7. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
                1. Management Skill Builder Being a Good Motivator
                  1. Skill Basics
                  2. Practicing The Skill
              8. Case Application #1
                1. One for the Money... Topic: Money and motivation
                  1. Discussion Questions
              9. Case Application #2
                1. Unlimited Vacation Time? Really? Topic: Motivating professionals, expectancy theory
                  1. Discussion Questions
              10. Case Application #3
                1. Passionate Pursuits Topic: Motivating unique groups of workers, job design
                  1. Discussion Questions
              11. Endnotes
            3. 13 Leadership and Trust
              1. Learning Outcomes
              2. Who Are Leaders, and What Is Leadership?
              3. What Do Early Leadership Theories Tell Us About Leadership?
                1. What Now?
                2. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA7
                  1. Behavioral Dimension
                    1. Conclusion
                3. OHIO STATE8
                  1. Behavioral Dimension
                    1. Conclusion
                4. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN9
                  1. Behavioral Dimension
                    1. Conclusion
                5. Managerial Grid10
                  1. Behavioral Dimension
                    1. Conclusion
                  2. What Now?
              4. What Do the Contingency Theories of Leadership Tell Us?
                1. What Was the First Comprehensive Contingency Model?
                2. How Do Followers’ Willingness and Ability Influence Leaders?
                3. How Participative Should a Leader Be?
                4. How Do Leaders Help Followers?
              5. What Is Leadership Like Today?
                1. What Do the Four Contemporary Views of Leadership Tell Us?
                  1. How do Leaders Interact with Followers?
                  2. How do Transactional Leaders Differ From Transformational Leaders?
                  3. How do Charismatic Leadership and Visionary Leadership Differ?
                  4. What About Leaders and Teams?
                2. What Issues Do Today’s Leaders Face?
                  1. Why do Leaders Need to Empower Employees?
                  2. Does National Culture Affect Leadership?
                  3. How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Leadership?
                  4. What About Toxic Bosses and Leadership?
              6. Why Is Trust the Essence of Leadership?
                1. A Final Thought Regarding Leadership
              7. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
                1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
                  1. Discussion Questions
              8. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
                1. Management Skill Builder Being a Good Leader
                  1. Skill Basics
                  2. Practicing the Skill
              9. Case Application #1
                1. “Success Theater” at General Electric Topic: Leadership style, organizational culture, leader trust
                  1. Discussion Questions
              10. Case Application #2
                1. Developing Gen Y Leaders Topic: Leadership development
                  1. Discussion Questions
              11. Case Application #3
                1. Investing in Leadership Topic: Leadership development, cross-cultural leadership, mentors
                  1. Discussion Questions
              12. Endnotes
            4. 14 Managing Organizational and Interpersonal Communication
              1. Learning Outcomes
              2. How Do Managers Communicate Effectively?
                1. How Does the Communication Process Work?
                2. Are Written Communications More Effective Than Verbal Ones?
                3. Is the Grapevine an Effective Way to Communicate?
                4. How Do Nonverbal Cues Affect Communication?
                5. What Barriers Keep Communication from Being Effective?
                  1. How Does Filtering Affect Communication?
                  2. How Does Selective Perception Affect Communication?
                  3. How Does Information Overload Affect Communication?
                  4. How Do Emotions Affect Communication?
                  5. How Does Language Affect Communication?
                  6. How Does Gender Affect Communication?
                  7. How Does National Culture Affect Communication?
                6. How Can Managers Overcome Communication Barriers?
                  1. Why Use Feedback?
                  2. Why Should Simplified Language Be Used?
                  3. Why Must We Listen Actively?
                  4. Why Must We Constrain Emotions?
                  5. Why The Emphasis On Nonverbal Cues?
              3. Technology and Managerial Communication
                1. In a mobile communication system
                2. Networked and Mobile Communication Applications
              4. What Communication Issues Do Managers Face Today?
                1. How Do We Manage Communication in an Internet World?
                  1. Legal And Security Issues
                  2. Personal Interaction
                2. How Does Knowledge Management Affect Communication?
                3. What Role Does Communication Play in Customer Service?
                4. How Can We Get Employee Input and Why Should We?
                5. How Do We Have Civil Conversations in the Workplace?
                6. How Does Workplace Design Affect Communication?
                7. Why Should Managers Be Concerned with Communicating Ethically?
              5. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and QuizzesChapter Summary by Learning Outcome
                1. Discussion Questions
              6. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
                1. Management Skill Builder Being a Good Listener
                  1. Skill Basics
                  2. Practicing the Skill
              7. Case Application #1
                1. #AthletesusingTwitter Topic: Social media, communicating ethically
                  1. Discussion Questions
              8. Case Application #2
                1. Banning E-Mail. Banning Voice Mail Topic: Effective communication
                  1. Discussion Questions
              9. Case Application #3
                1. Anytime Feedback Topic: Feedback
                  1. Discussion Questions
              10. Endnotes
          2. Part 5 Controlling
            1. 15 Controlling Work and Organizational Processes
              1. Learning Outcomes
              2. What Is Control and Why Is It Important?
                1. What Is Control?
                2. Why Is Control Important?
              3. What Takes Place as Managers Control?
                1. 1 What Is Measuring?
                  1. How Do Managers Measure?
                  2. What Do Managers Measure?
                2. 2 How Do Managers Compare Actual Performance to Planned Goals?How Do Managers Compare Actual Performance to Planned Goals?
                3. 3 What Managerial Action Can Be Taken?
                  1. How Do You Correct Actual Performance?
                  2. How Do You Revise The Standard?
              4. What Should Managers Control?
                1. When Does Control Take Place?
                  1. What Is Feedforward Control?
                  2. When Is Concurrent Control Used?
                  3. Why Is Feedback Control So Popular?
              5. KEEPING TRACK: What Gets Controlled?
              6. What Contemporary Control Issues Do Managers Confront?
                1. Do Controls Need to Be Adjusted for Cultural Differences?
                2. What Challenges Do Managers Face in Controlling the Workplace?
                  1. Is My Work Computer Really Mine?
                  2. Is Employee Theft On The Rise?
                  3. What Can Managers Do About Workplace Violence?
              7. Knowing: Getting Ready for Exams and Quizzes
                1. Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome
                  1. Discussion Questions
              8. Applying: Getting Ready for the Workplace
                1. Management Skill Builder Disciplining Difficult Employees
                  1. Skill Basics
                  2. Practicing the Skill
              9. Case Application #1
                1. HealthyFast Food? Topic: Control process, social responsibility
                  1. Discussion Questions
              10. Case Application #2
                1. If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Don’t Say Anything at All Topic: Employee performance controls
                  1. Discussion Questions
              11. Case Application #3
                1. Goals and Controls Topic: Role of goals in controlling, control process, efficiency and effectiveness
                  1. Discussion Questions
              12. Endnotes
            2. Operations Module Managing Operations
              1. What Do I Need to Know About Operations Management?
              2. What Is Value Chain Management and Why Is It Important?
              3. How Is Value Chain Management Done?
              4. What Contemporary Issues Do Managers Face in Managing Operations?
              5. Endnotes
          3. Glossary
          4. Index
            1. A
            2. B
            3. C
            4. D
            5. E
            6. F
            7. G
            8. H
            9. I
            10. J
            11. K
            12. L
            13. M
            14. N
            15. O
            16. P
            17. Q
            18. R
            19. S
            20. T
            21. U
            22. V
            23. W
            24. X
            25. Y
            26. Z