• Tan, Chade-Meng, 369

  • Target stores, 135

  • Taylor, Frederick W., 31

  • team leaders, 7

  • team-building, 172

  • teams. See also groups

  • technical skills, 11

  • technology, 45

    • control issues and, 486487

    • data analytics and, 79

    • data security, 2728

    • decision making and, 102

    • electronic meetings and, 108109

    • employee empowerment and, 425

    • entrepreneurship, 214

    • environmental scanning and, 152153

    • ethical issues related to, 79

    • flexible work arrangements and, 251254

    • human resource management and, 279

    • impact on management, 15

    • increased reliance on emotional intelligence and, 351

    • innovation and, 17, 180

    • for office of tomorrow, 454

    • operations management and, 510

    • organizational design and, 242

    • rewards programs and, 395

    • robotic, 16

    • social media and, 1718, 79

    • strategic management and, 142143

    • strategy and, 159160

    • sustainable management and, 18

    • team collaboration and, 323

    • value chain management and, 506

  • telecommuting, 252253

  • teleconferencing, 453

  • Tesla, 215

  • The Container Store, 327, 424

  • theory of justice view of ethics, 78

  • Theory X (McGregor), 33, 381

  • Theory Y (McGregor), 33, 381

  • thinking vs. feeling (TF), 349

  • Thompson, Scott, 300

  • threats, strategic management and, 137

  • three-needs theory of motivation (McClelland), 383

  • times interest earned ratio, 482, 482e

  • Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), 269, 292, 293

  • Tod’s luxury shoe empire, 101

  • tolerance for ambiguity scale, 155156

  • TOMS Shoes, 74

  • top managers, 6. See also managers

  • total assets turnover ratio, 482, 482e

  • total quality management (TQM), 34, 36

  • Toyoda, Kiichiro, 32

  • Toyota Motor Company, Toyoda, Kiichiro, 32

  • TQM (total quality management), 34, 36

  • training

  • trait theories of leadership, 412413

  • transactional leaders, 421

  • transformation process

    • change and, 180

    • operations management and, 500

  • transformational leaders, 421

  • transnational organizations, 69

  • trust in leadership, 427429, 429e, 433

  • Tumblr, 17

  • type A personalities, 176

  • type B personalities, 176

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