4 What Is Span of Control?

Traditional View

How many employees can a manager efficiently and effectively supervise? This question of span of control received a great deal of attention from early management writers. Although they came to no consensus on a specific number, most favored small spans—typically no more than six workers—in order to maintain close control.11 However, several writers did acknowledge level in the organization as a contingency variable. They argued that as a manager rises in an organization, he or she has to deal with a greater number of unstructured problems, so top managers need a smaller span than do middle managers, and middle managers require a smaller span than do supervisors. Over the last decade, however, we’ve seen some change in theories about effective spans of control.12

Today’s View

Many organizations are increasing their spans of control. The span for managers at such companies as General Electric and Kaiser Aluminum has expanded significantly in the past decade. It has also expanded in the federal government, where efforts to increase the span of control are being implemented to save time in making decisions.13 The most effective and efficient span of control is increasingly being determined by looking at contingency variables.

How Many People Can I Effectively and Efficiently Manage?

Most effective and efficient span depends on:

  • Employee managerial experience and training (more you have, larger span).

  • Similarity of employee tasks (more similarity, larger span).

  • Complexity of those tasks (more complex, smaller span).

  • Physical proximity of employees (closer proximity, larger span).

  • Amount and type of standardized procedures (more standardized, larger span).

  • Sophistication of the organization’s management information system (more sophisticated, larger span).

  • Strength of the organization’s value system (stronger the value system, larger span).

  • Preferred managing style of the manager14 (personal preference of more or fewer employees to manage).

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