Chapter Summary by Learning Outcome

  1. 3-1 Explain globalization and its impact on organizations.

Organizations are considered global if they exchange goods and services with consumers in other countries, if they use managerial and technical employee talent from other countries, or if they use financial sources and resources outside their home country. Businesses going global are usually referred to as multinational corporations (MNCs). As an MNC, they may operate as a multidomestic corporation, a global corporation, or a transnational or borderless organization. When a business goes global, it may start with global sourcing, move to exporting or importing, use licensing or franchising, pursue a global strategic alliance, or set up a foreign subsidiary.

  1. 3-2 Describe what managers need to know about managing in a global organization.

In doing business globally, managers need to be aware of different laws, economic systems, as well as political views on issues such as immigration and free trade. But the biggest challenge is understanding the different country cultures. Two cross-cultural frameworks that managers can use are Hofstede’s and GLOBE.

  1. 3-3 Discuss how society’s expectations are influencing managers and organizations.

Society expects organizations and managers to be responsible and ethical. An organization’s social involvement can be from the perspective of social obligation, social responsiveness, or social responsibility. After much analysis, researchers have concluded that managers can afford to be (and should be) socially responsible. Sustainability has become an important societal issue for managers and organizations.

  1. 3-4 Discuss the factors that lead to ethical and unethical behavior in organizations.

Ethics can be viewed from the utilitarian view, the rights view, or the theory of justice view. Whether a manager acts ethically or unethically depends on his or her morality, values, personality, and experiences; the organization’s culture; and the ethical issue being faced. Managers can encourage ethical behavior by hiring employees with high ethical standards, establishing a code of ethics, leading by example, linking ethical behavior to job goals and performance appraisal, providing ethics training, and implementing protective mechanisms for employees who face ethical dilemmas.

Discussion Questions

  1. 3-1 How does the concept of a global village affect organizations and managers?

  2. 3-2 Describe the different types of global organizations and the ways that organizations can go global.

  3. 3-3 Should managers be parochialistic? Why or why not?

  4. 3-4 What are the managerial implications of Hofstede’s research on cultural environments? The GLOBE study?

  5. 3-5 How might the cultural differences in the GLOBE dimensions affect how managers (a) use work groups, (b) develop goals/plans, (c) reward outstanding employee performance, and (d) deal with employee conflict?

  6. 3-6 How are social responsibility, social obligation, and social responsiveness different? Similar?

  7. 3-7 Should organizations be socially involved?

  8. 3-8 Describe how a manager would approach ethical decisions according to each of the three views on ethics.

  9. 3-9 Discuss specific ways managers can encourage ethical behavior.

  10. 3-10 How can organizational leaders be good role models when it comes to ethical behavior?

  11. 3-11 Is globalization good for business? For consumers? Discuss.

  12. 3-12 Which do you think would be a manager’s best choice for shaping long-term ethical behavior: a written code of ethics combined with ethics training OR strong ethical leadership? Support your position.

  13. 3-13 MyLab Management only—additional assisted-graded writing assignment.

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