• Papa John’s, 136

  • parochialism, 71

  • participative decision making, entrepreneurs, 217

  • participative leadership, 418

  • path-goal leadership theory, 419420

  • pay-for-performance programs, 397

  • PayPal, 300, 352

  • Pella Corporation, 502

  • Penske Truck Leasing, 249

  • PepsiCo, 287, 322, 427

  • perceived culture, 49

  • perception

    • attribution theory and, 356357, 357e

    • entrepreneurs and, 206

    • factors influencing, 355356

    • innovation and, 179

    • selective, 357

  • performance. See also job performance

    • comparing to planned goals, 478479

    • control of, 484

    • measurement, 478479

    • range of variation, 478

  • performance orientation, 73

  • performance-simulation tests, 276

  • performing stage of group development, 314

  • persistence, motivation and, 379

  • personal appearance, 305, 358, 364

  • personalities, entrepreneurs, 215216

  • personality

    • Big Five model, 350

    • cultural differences and, 354

    • emotional intelligence and, 349351, 368

    • explanation of, 348349

    • managerial efficiency and understanding, 354355

    • matching jobs to, 353, 353e

    • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator of, 349

    • predicting work-related behaviors and, 351352

    • proactive, 216, 426, 510

    • type A, 176

    • type B, 176

  • PERT charts, 515e

  • PERT network analysis, 514517

  • Pfizer, 260, 507

  • PfizerWorks, 260261

  • physical exercise, stress management, 188

  • Pizza Hut, 396

  • Plank, Kevin, 190191

  • planning, 9, 133. See also strategic management

  • planning tool, budget analysis, 483

  • plans

  • policies, 104

  • political skills, 11

    • for managers, 2324

    • steps to develop, 2324

  • Popchips, 254

  • population trends, 4445

  • Porsche, 144

  • Porter, M. E., 140

  • portfolio entrepreneurs, 200

  • position power, 415

  • positive reinforcement, 361, 366

  • power, 236237

  • power distance, 72, 73, 109110

  • Price, Dan, 401

  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 473, 496

  • principles of management, 31, 36. See also specific principles

  • Principles of Scientific Management (Taylor), 7

  • privacy

    • control issues and, 487

    • data analytics and, 79

  • proactive personalities, 216, 426, 510

  • problem-solving teams, 322

  • problems, 93. See also decision making; decision-making process; decisions

    • decision making, organizational level and, 105

    • structured, 103104

    • unstructured, 103

  • procedures, 104

  • process consultation, 172

  • process departmentalization, 233e, 234

  • process production, 243

  • product departmentalization, 233, 233e

  • production

  • productivity

    • job satisfaction and, 348

    • operations management and, 501502

    • organizational behavior and, 344

    • trends in, 42

    • work specialization and, 232

  • professionalism, 305

    • boundaryless career, 307

    • career management, 308

    • career success, 307

    • exhibiting, 306307

    • interpersonal skills, 308

    • market opportunities, 307308

    • mentorships, 308

    • networking, 308

    • personal strengths/weaknesses, 307

    • visibility, 308

  • professionals, methods to motivate, 394

  • profit margin on revenues ratio, 125

  • programmed decisions, 103

  • project management. See also operations management

  • projects, 513

  • Publix Super Markets, 15

  • punishment, 55, 80, 251, 361, 366

  • purple squirrel, 301

  • PurposeEnergy, 204

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