• Dai, Weili, 225

  • Dalgaard, Lars, 455

  • data analytics, 112113

  • data security, 2728, 456

  • Davis, Keith, 446

  • decision making. See also problems; quantitative decision making

    • big data and, 112113

    • bounded rationality in, 100101

    • brainstorming, 108

    • common errors in, 97, 97e

    • conditions for, 106

    • creativity in, 110112

    • cultural differences and, 109110

    • design thinking approach to, 112113

    • entrepreneurs, 217

    • group, 106109

    • implementation following, 9697

    • intuitive, 101102, 102e

      • technology and, 102

    • organizational culture, 5253, 53e

    • problem identification, 9394

    • rational, 99100

    • structured problems and, 103

    • unstructured problems, 103

  • decision-making process, 93, 93e. See also problems

    • choosing best alternative, 96, 96e

      • appraisal of outcome following, 97

      • identifying what is relevant in, 94

    • weighing criteria and analyzing alternatives, 9496, 95e

  • decisional roles, 10

  • decisions

  • decoding, communication and, 443, 444

  • Deere & Company, 506

  • Deininger, Erwin, 16

  • delegating style, 417, 430

  • delegation, entrepreneurs, 217

  • Dell, 67, 150, 423, 503

  • Dell, Michael, 423

  • Della Valle, Diego, 100

  • Deloitte, 434

  • Delphi, 512

  • demands, 174

  • Deming, W. Edwards, 34, 502

  • demographics, 44

  • Denver Mint, 481

  • departmentalization, 233e

  • DePree, Max, 217

  • descriptive culture, 49

  • design thinking

  • developed economies, 44

  • Diamond Foundry, 214

  • Dick’s Sporting Goods, 190191

  • differentiation competitive strategy, 140

  • digital tools, 143

  • DineEquity, Inc., 395

  • direction, motivation and, 379

  • directional plans, 148

  • directive leadership, 417, 420, 430

  • disabilities, 293

  • discipline, 493494

    • management principles, 28

  • discrimination

    • age, 292

    • against individuals with disabilities, 293

    • religious, 293

    • sexual orientation, 293294

  • distinctiveness, attribution theory and, 356

  • distributive justice, 388

  • diversification, corporate strategy and, 139

  • diversity. See also cultural differences; workforce diversity

  • division of labor, 30, 36

  • divisional structure, 244e, 245

  • Domino’s Pizza Tracker, 159160

  • Drucker, Peter, 205

  • dual chain of command, 247

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