2 How Do Managers Compare Actual Performance to Planned Goals?

The comparing step determines the variation between actual performance and the standard. Although some variation in performance can be expected in all activities, it’s critical to determine an acceptable range of variation (see Exhibit 15–3). Deviations outside this range need attention. Let’s work through an example.

Exhibit 15–3

Acceptable Range of Variation

A graph illustrates an example of acceptable range of variation.

Chris Tanner is a sales manager for Green Earth Gardening Supply, a distributor of specialty plants and seeds in the Pacific Northwest. Chris prepares a report during the first week of each month that describes sales for the previous month, classified by product line. Exhibit 15–4 displays both the sales goals (standard) and actual sales figures for the month of June. After looking at the numbers, should Chris be concerned? Sales were a bit higher than originally targeted, but does that mean there were no significant deviations? That depends on what Chris thinks is significant—that is, outside the acceptable range of variation. Even though overall performance was generally quite favorable, some product lines need closer scrutiny. For instance, if sales of heirloom seeds, flowering bulbs, and annual flowers continue to be over what was expected, Chris might need to order more product from nurseries to meet customer demand. Because sales of vegetable plants were 15 percent below goal, Chris may need to run a special on them. As this example shows, both overvariance and undervariance may require managerial attention, which is the third step in the control process.

Exhibit 15–4

Example of Determining Significant Variation: Green Earth Gardening Supply—June Sales

Vegetable plants 1,075 913 (612)
Perennial flowers 630 634 4
Annual flowers 800 912 112
Herbs 160 140 (20)
Flowering bulbs 170 286 116
Flowering bushes 225 220 (5)
Heirloom seeds 540 672 132
Total 3,600 3,777 177
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