• jargon, 448

  • job characteristics (JCM), 385387, 387e

  • job description, 272

  • job design

  • job involvement, 345

  • job orientation, 278279

  • job performance

  • job satisfaction, 344

    • productivity and, 348

  • job sharing, 253254

  • job specialization, 27, 36

  • job specification, 272

  • job-person compatibility, 354

  • jobs, matching personality to, 353, 353e

  • Jobs, Steve, 309, 422

  • Johnson & Johnson, 54, 108, 245, 294, 512

  • Johnson, Kara, 457

  • Johnson, Robert, 218

  • joint venture, 69

  • Jones, Todd, 15

  • judging versus perceiving (JP), 349

  • judgment, decision making and, 9596

  • Juran, Joseph M., 34

  • justice, equity theory and, 388

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