What Factors Are Reshaping and Redefining Management?

  1. 1-5 Describe the factors that are reshaping and redefining management.

Welcome to the new world of management!

Changing Workplaces + Changing Workforce

  • Digitization, automation, and changing views of jobs/careers are disrupting the way we work.14

  • “NextGen work”—the next generation of work, defined as part-time, freelance, contract, temporary, or independent contract work—is predicted to continue to rise. Individuals—and organizations—are looking for alternative ways to get work done. 15

  • Some 43 percent of U.S. employees work remotely all or some of the time.16

  • Sexual harassment allegations and accusations of workplace misconduct have dominated the news and triggered much-needed calls for action.

  • As mobile and social technologies continue to proliferate, more organizations are using apps and mobile-enhanced websites for managing their workforces and for other organizational work.

  • Data breaches, large-scale and small, are raising new alarms about organizational information security lapses.

In today’s world, managers are dealing with changing workplaces, a changing workforce, changing technology, and global uncertainties. For example, grocery stores continue to struggle to retain their customer base and to keep costs down. At Publix Super Markets, the large grocery chain in the southeastern United States, everyone, including managers, is looking for ways to better serve customers. The company’s president, Todd Jones, who started his career bagging groceries at a Publix in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, is guiding the company through these challenges by keeping everyone’s focus—from baggers to checkers to stockers—on exceptional customer service.17 And with Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods, the whole grocery store industry now faces an entirely different challenge.18 Or consider the management challenges faced by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (P-I) when it, like many other newspapers, struggled to find a way to be successful in an industry that was losing readers and revenues at an alarming rate. Managers made the decision to go all-digital, and the P-I became an Internet-only news source. Difficult actions followed as the news staff was reduced from 165 to less than 20 people. In its new “life” as a digital news source, the organization faces other challenges—challenges for the manager who needs to plan, organize, lead, and control in this changed environment.19 Managers everywhere are likely to have to manage in changing circumstances, and the fact is that how managers manage is changing. Throughout the rest of this book, we’ll be discussing these changes and how they’re affecting the way managers plan, organize, lead, and control. We want to highlight four specific areas that are important to organizations and managers everywhere: customers, innovation, social media, and sustainability.

Photo of Claire Hobean looking through the Re-Timer glasses.

Claire Hobean, operations manager for Re-Time Pty. Ltd., models the Australian firm’s innovative Re-Timer glasses at a consumer electronics show. The medical device innovation uses bright light therapy to assist in the treatment of insomnia, jet lag, and Seasonal Affective Disorder by helping reset a person’s natural body clock.

Steve Marcus/Reuters

Why Are Customers Important to the Manager’s Job?

When John Chambers was CEO of Cisco Systems, he wanted voicemails forwarded to him from dissatisfied customers because he thought it was important to hear firsthand the emotions and frustrations they were experiencing. He couldn’t get that type of insight by reading an e-mail.20 This manager understands the importance of customers. Chris McCarthy, president of MTV Networks also understands how important customers are. He is listening to his young audience and responding with what they want to see on MTV. Result? MTV's ratings are rising.21 Organizations need customers. Without them, most organizations would cease to exist. Yet, focusing on the customer has long been thought by many managers to be the responsibility of the marketers. We’re discovering, however, that employee attitudes and behaviors play a big role in customer satisfaction. Think of the times you’ve been treated poorly (or superbly) by an employee during a service encounter and how that affected the way you felt about the situation.

Managers are recognizing that delivering consistent high-quality customer service is essential for survival and success in today’s competitive environment and that employees are an important part of that equation.22 The implication is clear—they must create a customer-responsive organization where employees are friendly and courteous, accessible, knowledgeable, prompt in responding to customer needs, and willing to do what’s necessary to please the customer.23

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