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  2. 2. From the Past to the Present box based on Dictionary.com Unabridged, based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/manage; Online Etymology Dictionary, www.etymonline.com, June 5, 2009; P. F. Drucker, Management: Revised Edition (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2008); and F. W. Taylor, Principles of Scientific Management (New York: Harper, 1911), p. 44. For other information on Taylor, see S. Wagner-Tsukamoto, “An Institutional Economic Reconstruction of Scientific Management: On the Lost Theoretical Logic of Taylorism,” Academy of Management Review, January 2007, pp. 105–17; R. Kanigel, The One Best Way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency (New York: Viking, 1997); and M. Banta, Taylored Lives: Narrative Productions in the Age of Taylor, Veblen, and Ford (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993).

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  43. 43. M. S. Plakhotnik and T. S. Rocco, “A Succession Plan for First-Time Managers,” T&D, December 2011, pp. 42–45; P. Brotherton, “New Managers Feeling Lost at Sea,” T&D, June 2011, p. 25; and “How Do We Help a New Manager Manage?” Workforce Management Online, June 16, 2011.

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  45. 45. Sweeney and Gosfield, “No Managers Required.”

  46. 46. Ibid.

  47. 47. D. Richards, “At Zappos, Culture Pays,” www.strategy-business.com/article, August 24, 2010.

  48. 48. Groth, “Zappos Is Going Holacratic.”

  49. 49. Anders, “No More Bosses for Zappos (A Cautionary Tale).”

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  55. 55. R. McMillan and L. Lin, “Intel Told China of Flaw before U.S., Wall Street Journal, January 29, 2018, pp. A1+.

  56. 56. Ibid.

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