• Machiavelli, Niccolo, 351

  • Machiavellianism (“Mach”), 351

  • Mackey, John P., 456

  • Maize Quest, 214

  • management, 7. See also operations management; organizations; value chain management (VCM)

    • change and, 15

    • concepts, national boarders and, 13

    • of global organizations, 7173

    • historical background, 7

    • history of, 3036

    • levels, 7, 7e

    • levels of, 105

    • open-book, 395

    • reasons to study, 1415

    • scientific, 7

    • stakeholder relationships, 46, 4748, 48e

      • omnipotent view of, 43

      • symbolic view of, 43

    • strategic, 135138, 137e, 140141

    • sustainability and, 18

    • technology and, 15, 16

    • Walmart training, 25

  • management approaches

    • behavioral, 31

    • classical, 31

    • contemporary, 3536

    • general administrative theory, 31

    • quantitative, 34

  • management by objectives (MBOs), 145146

  • management by walking around (MBWA), 475476

  • managerial grid, 414

  • managerial information system (MIS), 483

  • managers, 6

    • background of, 5

    • characteristics of effective, 24

    • competencies, 11

    • with contingent employees, 254

    • decision-making approaches, 99100, 99e

    • efficiency and effectiveness, 8, 8e

    • encouragement of ethical behavior by, 7881

    • external environment and, 4548

    • first-level, 12

    • first-line, 7

    • functions, 10

    • innovation and, 17

    • innovation fostering, 180182

    • middle, 67, 12

    • versus nonmanagerial employees, 6

    • organizational culture and, 5153, 53e

    • planning function and, 148, 149e

    • political skills, 11

    • political skills of, 2324

    • roles

      • importance, 13, 13e

      • large businesses, 13

    • skills, 11

    • small businesses, 1213

    • social media use, 17

    • societal expectations of, 7477

    • team building by, 332333

    • titles, 67

    • top, 6, 12

  • mandated experiment time, innovation and, 180

  • manufacturing organization management, 501

  • Marvell Technology Group, 225

  • Maslow, Abraham, 33

  • mass production, 243

  • matrix structure, 246247, 246e

  • Mattel, 254

  • Matter Communications, 215

  • maximax choice, 122

  • maximin choice, 122

  • Mayo, Elton, 33

  • McCaleb, Philip, 218

  • McClelland, David, 383

  • McDonald’s, 67, 135, 144, 232, 287, 473, 480, 500, 502, 510

  • McGregor, Douglas, 33, 381

  • means-ends chain, 145

  • mechanistic organizations, 240241, 240e, 241

  • Medtech, 417

  • meetings, electronic, 108109

  • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 12

  • Menard’s, 168

  • Mercedes, 512

  • Mexico, 269270

  • Microsoft, 215, 290, 301, 309, 325, 335, 481

  • middle managers, 67, 12. See also managers

  • Midvale Steel Company, 478

  • millennials, 44, 61

  • Mintzberg, Henry, 10

  • misbehavior in the workplace, 344

  • mission

    • culture and, 50

    • of organization, 137

  • Mitsubishi, 288

  • mobile communication, 452

  • mobile devices

    • data security and, 2728, 456

    • human resource management and, 279

    • movies on, 60

    • work applications for, 253

  • Modis, 301

  • Moneyball, 118

  • monitoring employees, 487

  • Moore, J. Stuart, 216

  • Morse, Samuel, 36

  • motivation

    • assessing your level of, 399400

    • of contingent workers, 394395

    • cross-cultural issues and, 392393

    • diverse workforce, 394

    • economic conditions and, 398

    • entrepreneurs motivating employees, 216217

    • explanation of, 379

    • intrinsic task, 111

    • job design and, 390391, 390e, 399, 400, 403

    • pay-for-performance programs, 397

    • of professionals, 394

    • rewards and, 395396

  • motivation theories, 390391, 390e

  • Motorola, 247, 512

  • movie theater industry, 60

  • Mozido Inc., 217

  • multidomestic corporations, 68, 69

  • multinational corporations (MNCs), 68, 69

  • Munsterberg, Hugo, 33, 270

  • Musk, Elon, 215

  • Mutlu, Demet, 198

  • Mycoskie, Blake, 74

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 349

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