What Contingency Variables Affect Structural Choice?

  1. 8-2 Identify the contingency factors that favor either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design.

Top managers typically think long and hard about what structure will work best.

Photo shows several people in an office, looking at the laptop screen of a woman sitting in the center.

Adamkaz/E+/getty images

Exhibit 8–7

Mechanistic versus Organic Organizations

A figure compares the characteristics of mechanistic and organic organizations.

Mechanistic OR Organic18

Mechanistic organization (or bureaucracy)

  • Rigid and tightly controlled structure

  • Combines traditional aspects of all six elements of organization structure

    • High specialization

    • Rigid departmentalization

    • Clear chain of command

    • Narrow spans of control leading to taller structure

    • Centralization

    • High formalization

Photo shows a purple triangle labeled Mechanistic.

Organic organization

  • Highly adaptive and flexible structure

  • Collaboration (both vertical and horizontal)

  • Adaptable duties

  • Few rules

  • Informal communication

  • Decentralized decision authority

  • Wider spans of control leading to flatter structures

  • Loose structure allows for rapid adjustment to change19

    Photo shows an orange amorphous shape labeled Organic.
  1. 1 Strategy → Structure

    • Based on work of Alfred Chandler20

    • Goals are important part of organization’s strategies; structure should facilitate goal achievement

    • Simple strategy ➛ simple structure

    • Elaborate strategy ➛ more complex structure

    • Certain structural designs work best with different organizational strategies21

      • — Passionate pursuit of innovation ➛ organic

      • — Passionate pursuit of cost control ➛ mechanistic

      Photo shows the words Business Intelligence with several arrows pointing outward to other words like performance, management, analytics, data, goals, support, and benchmark written in chalk on a blackboard.


  2. 2 Size → Structure

    • Considerable evidence that size (number of employees) affects structure22

    • Magic number seems to be 2,000 employees

    • LARGE organizations (> 2,000 employees)—mechanistic

    • When an organization reaches this number, size is less influential; adding more employees has little impact as structure is already fairly mechanistic

      Photo shows an orange amorphous shape labeled Organic.

      fewer than 2,000 employees can be organic

      Photo shows a purple triangle labeled Mechanistic.

      more than 2,000 employees forces organizations to become more mechanicstic

  3. 3 Technology → Structure

    • Technology is used—by every organization—to convert inputs into outputs (See Exhibit 8–8 in the Classic Concepts in Today’s Workplace on p. 243.)

      Exhibit 8–8

      Woodward’s Findings on Technology and Structure

      Structural characteristics: Low vertical differentiation Moderate vertical differentiation High vertical differentiation
      Low horizontal differentiation High horizontal differentiation Low horizontal differentiation
      Low formalization High formalization Low formalization
      Most effective structure: Organic Mechanistic Organic

      Your smartphone or tablet

      Photo of a tablet and smartphone placed side by side.

      standardized assembly line


      Your résumé

      Photo of John Doe’s resume. It is filled with images such as graphs, charts and maps.

      custom design and print


      Your bottle of ibuprofen

      Photo of a bottle of pills.

      continuous-flow production process


  4. 4 Environment → Structure

    • Environment is a constraint on managerial discretion

    • Environment also has a major effect on an organization’s structure

      • — Stable environment: Mechanistic structure

      • — Dynamic/uncertain environment: Organic structure

    • Helps explain why so many managers today have restructured their organizations to be lean, fast, and flexible.23

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