• IBM, 135

  • IKEA, 505

  • Immelt, Jeff, 433

  • importing, 68, 69

  • in-group collectivism, 73

  • incubation, innovation and, 179

  • Inditex, 157

  • individual behavior, 343

  • individualism, 72, 73

  • individualized rewards, 396

  • individuals with disabilities, 293

  • Industrial Revolution, 27, 36

  • industrial-organizational psychology, 270

  • inequality, economic, 42

  • informal planning, 133

  • information, control of, 483484

  • information overload, 448

  • information power, 257

  • information technology (IT). See also technology

    • big data and, 112113, 143

    • changing world of work and, 253

    • communication, 454

    • communication and, 451454

    • decision making and, 102

    • employee training and, 279

    • strategic management and, 143

    • team collaboration and, 323

  • informational roles, 10

  • initiative, management principles and, 31

  • innovation, 178179

    • creativity and, 179

    • design thinking and, 182183

    • elements of, 179180

    • entrepreneurship and, 200

    • fostering, 180182, 181e

    • human resource variables affecting, 182

    • manager’s role, 17

    • organizational culture and, 181182

    • technology and, 17, 180

  • inspiration, innovation and, 179

  • Instagram, 17

  • instant messaging (IM), 364, 452, 454, 456, 457

  • Institute for Global Ethics, 79

  • Integrated Information Systems Inc., 486

  • integration, corporate strategy and, 139

  • integrity, professionalism and, 306

  • Intel, 394

  • intelligence, emotional. See emotional intelligence (EI)

  • intergroup development, 172

  • internal analysis, strategic management, 137

  • internal boundaries, 248

  • International Association of Business Communicators,461

  • international organizations. See global organizations

  • Internet-based communication, 453

  • interpersonal, skills, 11

  • interpersonal roles, 10

  • intranet, 453

  • inventory turnover ratio, 482, 482e

  • Ipsen, Laura, 103

  • ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 512

  • ISO 9001, 512

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