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  6. 6. See J. Figueira and B. Ray, “Determining the Weights of Criteria in the Electre Type of Methods with a Revised Simons’ Procedure,” European Journal of Operational Research, June 1, 2002, pp. 317–26.

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  8. 8. D. Miller, Q. Hope, R. Eisenstat, N. Foote, and J. Galbraith, “The Problem of Solutions: Balancing Clients and Capabilities,” Business Horizons, March–April 2002, pp. 3–12.

  9. 9. E. Teach, “Avoiding Decision Traps,” CFO, June 2004, pp. 97–99; and D. Kahneman and A. Tversky, “Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases,” Science 185 (1974) pp. 1124–31.

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  20. 20. Miller and Ireland, “Intuition in Strategic Decision Making,” p. 20.

  21. 21. E. Sadler-Smith and E. Shefy, “Developing Intuitive Awareness in Management Education,” Academy of Management Learning & Education, June 2007, pp. 186–205.

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  28. 28. S. Mohammed, “Toward an Understanding of Cognitive Consensus in a Group Decision-Making Context,” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, December 2001, p. 408.

  29. 29. M. J. Fambrough and S. A. Comerford, “The Changing Epistemological Assumptions of Group Theory,” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, September 2006, pp. 330–49.

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  34. 34. See, for example, L. K. Michaelsen, W. E. Watson, and R. H. Black, “A Realistic Test of Individual versus Group Consensus Decision Making,” Journal of Applied Psychology, October 1989, pp. 834–39; and P. W. Pease, M. Beiser, and M. E. Tubbs, “Framing Effects and Choice Shifts in Group Decision Making,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, October 1993, pp. 149–65.

  35. 35. M. Eltagouri, “‘We Have A Responsibility’: CVS Vows to Stop Altering Beauty Images in Its Ads and Stores,” Washington Post Online, January 16, 2018; and A. Bruell and S. Terlep, “CVS Vows to Stop Altering Beauty Images in Its Marketing,” Wall Street Journal Online, January 15, 2018.

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  37. 37. T. Kelley, “Six Ways to Kill a Brainstormer,” Across the Board, March–April 2002, p. 12.

  38. 38. H. Gregersen, “Better Brainstorming,” Harvard Business Review, March–April 2018, pp. 64–71.

  39. 39. K. L. Dowling and R. D. St. Louis, “Asynchronous Implementation of the Nominal Group Technique: Is It Effective,” Decision Support Systems, October 2000, pp. 229–48.

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  43. 43. “VC at Nestlé,” Business Europe, October 3, 2001, p. 3.

  44. 44. M. Roberti, “Meet Me on the Web,” Fortune: Tech Supplement, Winter 2002, p. 10.

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  46. 46. See, for instance, P. Berthon, L. F. Pitt, and M. T. Ewing, “Corollaries of the Collective: The Influence of Organizational Culture and Memory Development on Perceived Decision-Making Context,” Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Spring 2001, pp. 135–50.

  47. 47. J. de Haan, M. Yamamoto, and G. Lovink, “Production Planning in Japan: Rediscovering Lost Experiences or New Insights,” International Journal of Production Economics, May 6, 2001, pp. 101–09.

  48. 48. T. M. Amabile, “Motivating Creativity in Organizations,” California Management Review, Fall 1997, pp. 39–58.

  49. 49. D. Dunne and R. Martin, “Design Thinking and How It Will Change Management Education: An Interview and Discussion,” Academy of Management Learning & Education, December 2006, p. 512.

  50. 50. M. Korn and R. E. Silverman, “Forget B-School, D-School Is Hot,” Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2012, pp. B1+; R. Martin and J. Euchner, “Design Thinking,” Research Technology Management, May/June 2012, pp. 10–14; T. Larsen and T. Fisher, “Design Thinking: A Solution to Fracture-Critical Systems,” DMI News & Views, May 2012, p. 31; T. Berno, “Design Thinking versus Creative Intelligence,” DMI News & Views, May 2012, p. 28; J. Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie, “Helping Business Managers Discover Their Appetite for Design Thinking,” Design Management Review 1 (2012), pp. 6–13; and T. Brown, “Strategy by Design,” Fast Company, June 2005, pp. 52–54.

  51. 51. C. Guglielmo, “Apple Loop: The Week in Review,” Forbes.com, May 25, 2012, p. 2.

  52. 52. Dunne and Martin, “Design Thinking and How It Will Change Management Education,” p. 514.

  53. 53. K. Cukier and V. Mayer-Schönberger, “The Financial Bonanza of Big Data,” Wall Street Journal, March 8, 2013, p. A15.

  54. 54. R. King and S. Rosenbush, “Big Data Broadens Its Range,” Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2013, p. B5.

  55. 55. “Big Data, Big Impact: New Possibilities for International Development,” World Economic Forum, weforum.org, 2012.

  56. 56. E. Segrano, “These Natural Beauty Brands Are Using Big Data to Give Skin Care a Makeover,” Fast Company Online, April 18, 2017.

  57. 57. N. Ungerleider, “How Restaurants Use Big Data to Learn More about Their Customers,” Fast Company Online, March 28, 2017.

  58. 58. D. Laney, “The Importance of ‘Big Data’: A Definition,” www.gartner.com/it-glossary/big-data/, March 22, 2013.

  59. 59. S. Lohr, “Sure, Big Data Is Great. But So Is Intuition,” New York Times Online, December 29, 2012.

  60. 60. S. Schechner, “Algorithms Move Into Management,” Wall Street Journal, December 11, 2017, pp. B1+.

  61. 61. UPS Fact Sheet, https://pressroom.ups.com/assets/pdf/pressroom/fact%20sheet/UPS_Fact_Sheet.pdf, updated February 16, 2018; S. Rosenbush and L. Stevens, “At UPS, the Algorithm Is the Driver,” Wall Street Journal, February 17, 2015, pp. B1+; D. Zax, “Brown Down: UPS Drivers vs. the UPS Algorithm,” http://www.fastcompany.com/3004319/brown-down-ups-drivers-vs-ups-algorithm, January 3, 2013; T. Bingham and P. Galagan, “Delivering ‘On-Time, Every Time’ Knowledge and Skills to a World of Employees,” T&D, July 2012, pp. 32–37; J. Levitz, “UPS Thinks Outside the Box on Driver Training,” Wall Street Journal, April 6, 2010, pp. B1+; and K. Kingsbury, “Road to Recovery,” Time, March 8, 2010, pp. Global 14–Global 16.

  62. 62. Rosenbush and Stevens, “At UPS, the Algorithm Is the Driver.”

  63. 63. Zax, “Brown Down.”

  64. 64. C. Chiappinelli, “Buzzwords, Hidden Dimensions, and Innovation: A UPS Story,” https://www.esri.com/about/newsroom/publications/wherenext/buzzwords-hidden-dimensions-and-innovation-a-ups-story/, September 7, 2017; and Rosenbush and Stevens, “At UPS, the Algorithm Is the Driver.”

  65. 65. T. Caporale and T. C. Collier, “Scouts versus Stats: The Impact of Moneyball on the Major League Baseball Draft,” Applied Economics 45, no. 15 (2013), pp. 1983–90; B. Cohen, “College Baseball Showing Signs of a Revolution,” Wall Street Journal, June 22, 2012, p. D10; T. Van Riper and C. Semmimi, “The New Moneyball,” Forbes, April 9, 2012, pp. 70–76; D. K. Berman, “So, What’s Your Algorithm?” Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2012, pp. B1+; P. White, “The Suits behind the Uniforms,” USA Today, December 7, 2011, pp. 1C+; K. L. Papps, A. Bryson, and R. Gomez, “Heterogeneous Worker Ability and Team-Based Production: Evidence from Major League Baseball, 1920–2009,” Labour Economics, June 2011, pp. 310–19; Michael Lewis, Moneyball (New York: W. W. Norton, 2011); and B. Curtis, “Debating America’s Pastime(s),” New York Times Online, January 2, 2009.

  66. 66. J. Diamond, “How Players Use New Data Analytics,” Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2017, p. A16.

  67. 67. B. Costa and J. Diamond, “Baseball Learns Data’s Downside,” Wall Street Journal, October 4, 2017, pp. A1+.

  68. 68. Our History, Panera Bread Company, https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/company/about-panera/our-history.html.

  69. 69. J. Jargon, “Panera Slices Lines with Mobile,” Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition, June 3–4, 2017, pp. B1+.

  70. 70. Ibid.

  71. 71. J. Kell, “Panera Bread Says It Hit $1 Billion Digital Sales Target,” Fortune Online, June 14, 2017; Jargon, “Panera Slices Lines with Mobile;” and “Panera on Demand,” Fast Company, May 2017, p. 16.

  72. 72. Jargon, “Panera Slices Lines with Mobile.”

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