Management Skill Builder

Developing Grit

Those who succeed as entrepreneurs have at least one thing in common: they possess grit.40 Having grit means you have the perseverance and passion for long-term goals. When you have grit, you work hard and maintain effort and interest even after facing failure or adversity. Some say having grit means you have mental toughness. It is a trait that brings together other qualities such as optimism, self-discipline, and self-motivation. You must have talent to accomplish your goals, but you must also have focused and sustained use of that talent over time in order to accomplish difficult goals. Grit helps entrepreneurs because they often face challenges and setbacks in the process of launching a venture. An entrepreneur with grit will continue working hard, even in the face of seemingly endless obstacles.

Skill Basics

Grit can be developed. The following steps will help you in practicing this skill.

  • Practice your resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back. As you are faced with an obstacle . . . in school or even at work, if you’re employed . . . notice your reaction to the challenge. Are you ready to quit? If so, it is time to build your resilience. Learn from your mistake and make yourself give it another try instead of giving up.

  • Pursue your passion. Figure out what you are passionate about in life and pursue it. Our passions inspire us and give us the internal drive to keep moving forward. Identifying and pursuing your passion can help develop your perseverance.

  • Practice positive self-talk. Grit means you have a strong belief in yourself. By engaging in positive self-talk, you can develop the internal motivation to keep moving forward even as you face obstacles. Remind yourself of your abilities and be your own biggest cheerleader. With every challenge you face, make sure you encourage yourself to keep moving forward with a positive attitude.

  • Build in practice time. Understand that anything significant you are going to accomplish in life is going to take time and effort. When working toward a goal, you must consider how you can practice whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. For example, if you have the dream to open a restaurant, spend some time working in other restaurants to really understand the business before jumping in on your own.

  • Put together a support team. Identify some trusted friends and let them know you are working on developing grit. Share with them your future goals and what you want to work toward. Ask them to encourage you when you’re doubting yourself. Make sure you call them for support when you’re feeling like you might want to give up.

Practicing the Skill

Identify a challenging goal you would like to attain. You can start small, but make sure it is something that will test your abilities. Remember you’re trying to develop grit . . . perseverance and passion! For example, have you ever considered running a 5k race? Getting an A in your next statistics course? What is something significant you would like to accomplish? Once you set your goal, use the steps above as you work toward your goal. Once you accomplish your goal, move on to a new one. As you overcome the challenges along the way, you’ll find yourself developing grit. And then, you can accomplish anything!

Experiential Exercise

Entrepreneurship is highly regarded in many parts of the world. But, what if pursuing an entrepreneurial venture just isn’t for you? Have you just wasted your time reading and studying this chapter? We hope not! Thinking entrepreneurially, even in a non-EV setting can give you a career edge. There are things that we’ve talked about in this chapter that you could use in your career to “become more entrepreneurial!” So, in this Experiential Exercise, you’ll be working with your assigned group to come up with 7 Career Lessons for Being Entrepreneurial. Come up with seven things from this chapter that you think could help you think entrepreneurially and be useful to you in your career. Write them down, discuss why you think they’re important, and explain how they could be applied in your career.

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