9 Managing Human Resources and Diversity

A photo shows a person holding up a board with the words, The single most important factor employers seek in a new college graduate is good grades.

José Manuel Gelpi Díaz/Alamy Stock Photo

Learning Outcomes

  1. 9-1 Describe the key components of the human resource management process and the important influences on that process.

  2. 9-2 Discuss the tasks associated with identifying and selecting competent employees.

  3. 9-3 Explain how employees are provided with needed skills and knowledge.

  4. 9-4 Describe strategies for retaining competent, high-performing employees.

  5. 9-5 Discuss contemporary issues in managing human resources.

  6. 9-6 Explain what workforce diversity and inclusion are and how they affect the HRM process.

Management Myth

Yes, landing a good job after graduation can seem daunting. But new research suggests the formula is not all that difficult. Get excellent grades AND complete as many internships as possible.1 So, yes, we hate to dash your dreams of no longer having to do homework or study for exams because good grades are important, but not the only factor employers seek in a new college graduate. What should you do? Be proactive in seeking out internship opportunities to give you a leg up on other job candidates AND pay attention to that GPA!

WHAT other qualities will recruiters be looking for?2 They’ll look for evidence of: problem-solving skills, the ability to work on a team, written communication skills, leadership, strong work ethic, analytical/quantitative skills, verbal communication skills, initiative, detail-oriented, flexibility/adaptability, technical skills, and interpersonal skills  … all skills we’re trying to emphasize. Organizations need people—talented people—to be successful in doing what they’re in business to do. Once an organization’s structure is in place, managers have to find people to fill the jobs that have been created or to remove people from jobs if business circumstances require it. That’s where human resource management (HRM) comes in. It’s an important task that involves having the right number of the right people in the right place at the right time. In this chapter, we’ll look at the process managers use to do just that—a process that includes finding, interviewing, and assessing job applicants; helping new employees assimilate; recommending training; and assessing employee performance. In addition, we’ll look at some contemporary HRM issues facing managers, as well as ways diversity and inclusion affect the HRM process.

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