What Is Disruptive Innovation and Why Is Managing It So Important?

  1. 6-5 Explain what disruptive innovation is and why managing it is important.

Twenty-five years ago, every Main Street in the United States had a bookstore. Chains like Barnes & Noble and Borders had hundreds of locations. In addition, there were literally thousands of small, family-owned bookstores scattered across America. Then, along came Amazon.com. Amazon offered book buyers a million-plus titles at super-low prices, all accessible without leaving the comfort of home. Amazon single-handedly disrupted the brick-and-mortar bookstore. And it continues to disrupt retail, health care, trucking, and even possibly banking.

What Is Disruptive Innovation?

Disruptive innovation describes innovations in products, services, or processes that radically change an industry’s rules of the game.54 Oftentimes, a smaller company with fewer resources successfully challenges established companies.55 Those smaller companies prove themselves to be disruptive by serving overlooked segments of possible consumers with products or services at relatively low prices. Although the term “disruptive innovation” is relatively new, the concept isn’t. For instance, economist Joseph Shumpeter used the term “creative destruction” almost 80 years ago to describe how capitalism builds on processes that destroy old technologies but replaces them with new and better ones.56 That, in essence is disruptive innovation. In practice, disruptive innovation has been around for centuries. Vanderbilt’s railroads disrupted the sailing-ship business. Alexander Bell’s telephone rang the death-knell for Western Union’s telegraphy. Ford and other automobile builders destroyed horse-drawn buggy manufacturers. As Exhibit 6–6 shows, there is no shortage of businesses that have suffered at the expense of disruptive innovation.

Exhibit 6–6

Examples of Past Disruptive Innovators

Established Business Disruptor
Compact disc Apple iTunes
Carbon paper Xerox copy machine
Canvas tennis shoes Nike athletic shoes
Portable radio Sony Walkman
Sony Walkman Apple iPod
Typewriters IBM PC
Weekly news magazines CNN
TV networks Cable and Netflix
Local travel agencies Expedia
Stockbrokers eTrade
Traveler’s checks ATMs and Visa
Encyclopedias Wikipedia
Newspaper classified ads Craig’s List
AM/FM radio stations Sirius XM
Tax preparation services Intuit’s Turbo Tax
Yellow Pages Google
Paper maps Garmin’s GPS
Paperback books Kindle
Lawyers Legal Zoom
Taxis Uber

Source: Robbins, Stephen P., Coulter, Mary, Management (Subscription), 14th Ed., © 2018. Reprinted and electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., New York, NY.

It’s helpful to distinguish disruptive innovation from sustaining innovation. When most of us think of innovations, we think of things like the HDTV, backup cameras on cars, fingerprint technology on smartphones, or even Double-Stuf Oreos. These are examples of sustaining innovation because they sustain the status quo. These sustaining innovations represent small and incremental changes in established products rather than dramatic breakthroughs. Original television sets disrupted the radio industry. HDTV just improved the quality of the TV picture.

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