• gamification, 396

  • Gantt charts, 513, 513e

  • Gantt, Henry, 513

  • Gap, 103, 157, 253

  • Gass, Michelle, 182

  • Gates, Bill, 215, 335

  • GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), 201

  • Gen X, 44

  • Gen Y, 44, 434

  • Gen Z, 44

  • gender

    • communication and, 449

    • in workforce, 292

  • gender differentiation, 73

  • general administrative theory, 31, 36

  • General Electric (GE), 69, 238, 270, 433, 457, 512

  • general partnership, 212, 213e

  • Genuine Scooter Company, 218

  • geographic departmentalization, 233e, 234

  • Germany, 270271

  • Ghosn, Carlos, 478

  • Gilboa, David, 226

  • Gilson, Nick, 197

  • Gimbel’s, 14

  • GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender), people, in workplace, 293294

  • global corporations, 68, 69

  • global entrepreneurship, 201

  • Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM),201

  • global ethics, 85

  • Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE), 7172, 426

  • global organizations, 85

    • control issues in, 486

    • cultural differences and, 7273

    • demographic trends and, 4445

    • explanation of, 6768

    • external environment and, 41

    • global corporations as, 69

    • human resource management laws and regulations, 269271

    • management concepts and, 13

    • management of, 71, 73

    • multidomestic corporations as, 69

    • organizational structure in, 249250

    • sales in, 68

    • steps to become, 68, 68e

    • teams in, 328330, 329e

    • transnational, 69

  • global sourcing, 68, 69

  • global strategic alliance, 69

  • global village, 68

  • globalization, 67

    • approaches to, 68, 68e

    • financial, 68

    • marketplace, 67

    • parochialism and, 71

    • supply chain and, 67

    • talent, 68

  • GLOBE research program, 7172, 426

  • goal setting

  • goals, 144

    • comparing actual performance, 478479

    • financial, 144

    • organizations, 133

    • real, 144

    • stated, 144

    • strategic, 144

    • types of, 144

    • of value chain management, 504505

    • well-written, 146, 147e

  • Google, Project Zero, 27

  • Gore, W.L., 336

  • Goya Foods, 32

  • grapevine communication, 445

  • Greenberg, Jerry, 216

  • grit, 222

  • group decision making

    • advantages and disadvantages of, 107108

    • cultural differences and, 109110

    • effectiveness of, 107108

    • overview, 106

    • techniques to improve, 108109

  • group development

    • adjourning stage, 314

    • forming stage, 313

    • norming stage, 314

    • performing stage, 314

    • storming stage, 313

  • groups, 313. See also teams

  • groupthink, 107108

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