• e-mail, 452, 455456, 458, 465466, 487488, 489

  • economic performance, social responsibility and, 7476

  • economic recessions

    • employee motivation and, 398

    • organizational change and, 167168

    • strategic management and, 158

    • unemployment rates and, 4546

  • economy

    • sharing, 43

    • trends in, 41

    • in United States, 41

  • EDS, 151

  • Edwins Leadership Institute and Restaurant, 224

  • effectiveness, 8

    • versus efficiency, 8, 8e

    • teams, 324327, 324e, 335

    • understanding learning and, 361

    • understanding perception and, 358

    • understanding personality and, 354355

  • efficacy, of teams, 326

  • efficiency, understanding attitudes and, 348

  • effort-performance linkage, 389

  • Egypt, ancient, management and, 30

  • Electronic Arts (EA), 384

  • electronic meetings, group decision making and, 108109

  • emerging economies, trends in, 44

  • Emma Inc., 248

  • emojis, 448

  • emoticons, 448

  • emotional intelligence (EI), 349, 350, 351, 367, 368, 369, 424, 426, 427, 430

    • attention training and, 369

    • and leadership, 426427

  • emotional stability, 350

  • emotions

    • communications and, 455

    • understanding of, 367368

  • empathy, 369, 426, 427, 455

  • employability skills, 1819

  • employability skills matrix, 2021

  • employee assistance programs (EAPs), 177

  • employee engagement, 21, 345

  • employee recognition programs, 395396. See also rewards

  • employee satisfaction, 371

  • employee selection, 274278, 274e

    • closing the deal and, 277278

    • reliability and, 275

    • tests and interviews in, 276277

    • validity and, 275276

  • employee theft, 488489, 489e

  • employee training

    • determining need, 280281, 280e

    • effectiveness of, 281

    • explanation of, 279281

    • information technology and, 279

  • employee turnover, 344

  • employee-first culture, 370

  • employees. See also human resources management (HRM); workforce

    • attitudes of, 167

    • benefits, 285286

    • compensation/benefits for, 284286

    • contingent, 394395

    • with disabilities, 293

    • downsizing, 274, 274e, 287, 287e

    • empowering, 216217, 424425

    • empowering, entrepreneurs and, 216

    • entrepreneurs, 215

    • input, 458459

    • maintaining connection for mobile and dispersed, 249

    • monitoring, 487

    • motivation by entrepreneurs, 216217

    • nonmanagerial, 6

    • organizational culture and, 49, 5355

    • in organizations, 5

    • orientation for, 278279

    • performance assessment, 297

    • personalities of, 176

    • productivity, 344

    • recruitment, 273274, 273e

    • selection, 275e

    • social media use, 17

    • working conditions for, 33, 175, 348, 382

  • employment. See also unemployment rates

    • external environment and, 4546

    • part-time, 42

    • trends in, 42

  • employment planning, 271273. See also human resources management (HRM)

  • empowering employees

  • encoding, communication and, 443

  • energy, motivation and, 379

  • engaged employees, 21

  • engagement, employees, 18, 345

    • employee-first culture, 370

  • Enron, 14

  • enterprise resource planning software (ERP) system, 506

  • ENTJ (extraversion-intuition-thinking-judging), 349

  • entrepreneurial ventures, 197, 212

    • controlling, 218220

    • downturn management, 218219

    • employee retention, 215

    • exiting, 219

    • feasibility studies, 207, 208e

    • financing, 209

    • funding sources, 209e

    • growth management, 218

    • harvesting and, 219

    • initial efforts, 205206

    • leaders, 215218

    • legal business organization, 212, 213e, 214

    • organizational culture, 211

    • organizational vision, 210211

    • planning, 205211

    • research, 206209

    • women, funding and, 225

  • entrepreneurs

    • business idea origins, 206207, 207e

    • characteristics, 215216

    • delegation, 217

    • employee empowerment and, 216

    • employee motivation, 216217

    • employee recruitment, 214215

    • function of, 201

    • human resource management (HRM) and, 214215

    • innovative attitude scale, 222

    • leadership, 217218

    • necessity, 199200

    • opportunity-based, 199

    • personal challenges, 219220

    • planning, 209212

    • portfolio, 200

    • proactive personality, 216

    • research, 206209

    • serial, 200

    • social entrepreneurs, 204

    • technology and, 214

    • women, 225

  • entrepreneurship, 197

    • Bezos, Jeff, 205

    • business plan, 209210

    • demographics and, 206

    • ethics, 204205

    • global, 201

    • Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), 201

    • importance of, 200201

    • incongruity, 205

    • industry structure and and, 206

    • innovation and, 200

    • job creation and, 200201

    • knowledge, new, 206

    • market structure and and, 206

    • opportunities, 226

    • perception and, 206

    • process and, 206

    • versus self-employment, 198

    • social, 224

    • startups, number, 200

    • theory developments, 199

  • equal employment opportunity (EEO), 268

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 288

  • equity

    • management principles and, 28

    • referent, 388

  • equity theory, 388389, 391

  • Ericsson, 249

  • Ernst & Young, 254, 294, 434, 457

  • errors, decision making and, 9798, 97e

  • escalation of commitment, 103

  • ESFP (extraversion-sensing-feeling-perceiving), 349

  • esprit de corps, management principles and, 31

  • ethical behavior

    • leadership and, 80, 8384

    • managerial role in encouraging, 7881

    • trends in, 53, 76

  • ethical issues

    • ADHD and, 394

    • in communication, 459

    • data analytics as, 79

    • employee rights as, 271

    • entrepreneurs, 217

    • faking positive outlook, 347

    • financial scandals as, 74

    • information sharing on teams, 315

    • leadership, 423

    • open management as, 239

    • retail customer tracking as, 143

    • sharing personal information as, 315

  • ethics

    • codes of, 7980

    • entrepreneurs, 204205

    • explanation of, 78

    • global, 85

    • NCAA, 87

    • personal inventory assessment, 8384

    • perspectives on, 78

    • rights view of, 78

    • theory of justice view of, 78

    • utilitarian view of, 78

  • ethics training, 80

  • ethnicity, 292293

  • Evans Findings Company, 501

  • events, PERT network analysis, 514515

  • EVs (electric vehicles), 85

  • executive summary (business plan), 209

  • expectancy theory, 389390, 389e, 390, 391, 397, 399, 402, 419

  • expert power, 257

  • expertise, 111

  • exporting, 68, 69

  • external boundaries, 248

  • external environment, 4142, 42e

    • demographics and, 4445

    • environmental scanning and, 152153

    • environmental uncertainty, 46, 46e

      • economic inequality and, 4243

    • impact on managers of, 4548

    • jobs and employment and, 4546

    • planning issues and, 151

    • sharing economy and, 4344

    • stakeholder relationships and, 46

  • extinction, behaviors, 361, 366

  • extranet, 453

  • extraversion, 349

  • extraversion vs. introversion (EI), 349

  • EY, 294

  • eye contact, communication and, 463

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