• C corporation, 212, 213e

  • California Huntington Beach Hyatt Regency Resort and Spa, 104

  • Cantillon, Richard, 199

  • career, success, 307309

  • Carlton and United Breweries, 512

  • Carter, Rob, 424

  • Caterpillar, 290, 511

  • CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology, Ltd.), 85

  • Cava Mezze restaurant, 214

  • centralization, 31

  • certainty, 106

  • chain of command, 234, 235e

  • Chandler, Alfred, 241

  • change. See also organizational change

  • change agents, 169

  • charismatic leadership, 422

  • charismatic power, 257

  • Chevron, 456

  • Chicago Cubs, 342

  • Choose Water water bottle, 200

  • Chouinard, Yvon, 403

  • Chrostowski, Brandon, 224

  • Cinemark cinemas, 60

  • Circuit City, 14

  • Cisco Systems, 103

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, 269, 292, 293

  • classical conditioning theory, 362

  • classical management approach, 31

  • ClearCompany, 215

  • cloud computing, 143

  • coaching skills, 332

  • Coca-Cola Company (Coke), 86, 135, 234, 274

  • codes of ethics, 7980

  • coercive power, 256

  • cognitive component of attitude, 345

  • cognitive dissonance, 346347

  • cohesiveness

  • collaboration, technologically-aided, 323

  • collaboration skills, 19

  • collectivism, 72

    • explanation of, 72, 73

    • in-group, 73

  • command

    • commitment, organizational, 345

    • management principles and, 31

    • unity of, 236

  • command chain, 234, 235e

  • communication, 19

    • active listening and, 450

    • augmented reality (AR), 454

    • barriers, 446449, 447e

    • body language, 446

    • channel, 444, 444e

    • culture and, 449

    • customer service and, 458

    • decoding, 444, 444e

    • e-mail, 452

    • emojis, 448

    • emoticons, 448

    • emotions and, 448, 455

    • employee input and, 458459

    • encoding and, 443

    • ethical issues in, 459

    • eye contact and, 463

    • feedback, 444, 444e

    • feedback and, 449450

    • filtering, 447

    • gender and, 449

    • grapevine, 445

    • information overload, 448

    • information technology (IT) and,451454

    • instant messaging (IM), 452

    • Internet-based, 453

    • jargon, 448

    • knowledge management and, 457458

    • knowledge resources and, 457458

    • language and, 448449

    • legal and security issues in, 456

    • management and, 455457

    • message, 444, 444e

    • mobile, 452

    • networked, 451

    • nonverbal, 445446, 455

    • organizational extranet, 453

    • organizational intranet, 453

    • process, 443444

    • process, 444e

    • selective perception, 447448

    • styles of, 463464

    • teleconferencing, 453

    • verbal intonation, 446

    • videoconferencing, 453

    • voice mail, 453

    • written, 445

  • conceptual skills, 11

  • conflict, 9, 19, 175, 181, 220, 246

  • conformity in groups, 317, 320

  • conscientiousness, 350, 354

  • consensus, attribution theory and, 356

  • consistency, attribution theory and, 356

  • constraints, 174

  • contemporary management approaches, 3536

  • contingency approach, 36

  • contingency theories of leadership

    • Fiedler, 415416, 416e

    • Fiedler theory, 415

    • leader-participation model, 418

    • situational leadership theory (SLT), 416418

  • contingent workers, 150, 254, 255, 290, 393

  • control, 9

  • control issues

    • cultural differences and, 486

    • employee theft and, 488489, 489e

    • privacy and, 487

    • technology and, 487

    • workplace violence and, 489491, 491e

  • controlling tool, budget analysis, 483

  • Cook, Tim, 11, 80

  • Cooperative Printing, 351

  • core competencies, 137

    • competitive strategy, 140

    • mission statement, 138

  • corporate rituals, culture and, 50

  • corporate social responsibility (CSR). See social responsibility

  • corporate strategy, 139. See also strategies

    • operations management and, 503

  • corporations

    • global, 69, 70

    • multidomestic, 69, 70

    • multinational, 69, 70

    • transnational (borderless), 69, 70

  • cost leadership competitive strategy, 140

  • creative-thinking skills, 111

  • creativity, 110111

  • credibility, leadership and, 428

  • crisis planning, 154

  • critical path, 514

    • PERT chart, 515

  • critical thinking skills, 1819

  • cross-functional teams, 234, 322

  • cultural differences

    • adjustments based on, 486

    • decision making and, 109110

    • Hofstede’s dimensions, 72

    • management of global organizations and, 7174

    • motivation and, 392393

    • personality attributes and, 354

    • team structure and, 329330

  • culture. See also organizational culture

    • communication and, 449

    • descriptive, 49

    • leadership and, 425426, 435

    • mission and, 50

    • organizational, 50, 72

    • perceived, 49

    • shared, 49

  • customer departmentalization, 233, 233e

  • customer service

    • communication and, 458

    • importance of, 16, 141

    • as strategic weapon, 141

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