Transport Panel

The Transport panel is used to operate Nuendo’s timeline. It can be used to play the project, record events into the project, and locate to various positions along the timeline for starters. It is configurable just like so many other windows in Nuendo. (See Figure 3.41.) Let’s take a look at its default configuration first and then follow up with all the other controls it has available.

Figure 3.41 Default Transport panel.


1. CPU and Disk Cache—This is basically a performance monitor for the computer in a small, convenient spot where you can keep an eye on things.

2. Auto-Quantize—When this feature is enabled, any MIDI recordings you make will have Quantize applied to them immediately. This does not affect the original position where the events were recorded, so you may adjust the quantize settings later as you see fit.

3. Record Mode—There are three normal record modes and five cycle record modes that will be covered in Part II, “Recording.” These modes are critical to how recordings are retained when you record more than one take of a particular section.

4. Locators—The left and right locators are displayed here along with functions that relate to them, such as auto punch in and out plus the pre- and post-roll values for playback.

5. Main Counter—This time display shows the current cursor position the format of the Main Ruler in the project window. Changing the format here for this counter will also change the format of the main counter.

6. Transport Controls—Basic transport controls that are also found in the project window.

7. Aux Counter—This counter also displays the cursor position but in a format of your choice.

8. Sync—This area contains the Activate Sync button and displays the current sync status.

9. Click—This button turns the internal metronome on or off and is highlighted when active.

10. Tempo—This area gives you access to the basic tempo track functions. Simple tempo settings can all be made here.

11. Markers—These buttons allow you to create and then jump to the first 15 markers.

12. MIDI Activity—This indicator shows MIDI in and out activity.

13. Audio In Meter—This audio meter shows the level coming into the default input bus as defined in VST Connections. It will be in the same channel width as the default bus.

14. Audio Out Meter—This displays either the level of the Control Room channel if it is active or the Main Mix bus as defined in VST Connections.

15. Output Fader—This mini-fader controls either the Control Room fader or the Main Mix fader if Control Room is not active.

That is a lot of control packed into a relatively small space in the GUI. But there’s more. Right-click (Win) or Control-click (Mac) to open the Transport panel configuration pop-up menu. There are several presets here for which controls are shown in the Transport panel that can be useful. If you wish to configure your own, either check all the items you wish to see or go to Setup for complete access to position of all controls.

The only two items not visible in the default Transport are the Jog/Shuttle and Arranger controls shown here in Figure 3.42.

Figure 3.42 The Jog/Shuttle and Arranger controls.


The Jog/Shuttle controls allow movement of the playback cursor at various speeds, similar to shuttling an analog tape machine. Nuendo 5 has made great improvements to how this works and sounds, so the feel is much better than before. I feel like I am rocking the reels on the MCI JH-24 back in the day.

In the very center of the Jog/Shuttle wheel are two buttons for bumping the transport +/- one timecode frame at a time. This is very helpful for film and post-production work in trying to find one particular video frame.

The Arranger tools are for on-the-fly rearrangement of compositions or songs.

Virtual Keyboard (NEK)

The virtual keyboard, shown in Figure 3.43, is a handy musical keyboard built in to your QWERTY computer keyboard. When you select this option, the Transport adds this keyboard into this display.

Figure 3.43 Virtual keyboard in Transport panel.


The virtual keyboard is also available from the Devices menu. Very handy for a long flight with the laptop and a burning musical idea that needs to be born. When the keyboard is active, most key commands are blocked so the keys can be used for notes. Only key items such as Save, Play, Stop, and Record are working.

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