
Symbols and Numerics

+ key (Fast Forward command), 126

* key (Record command), 126

32 samples, 19

32-bit Nuendo version, 10–11

60 fps grid option, 238

64 samples, 19

64-bit Nuendo version, 10–11

128 samples, 19

256 samples, 19

512 samples, 19

1024 samples, 19

2048 samples, 19


A range selection, 199–200

accidental automation writing, 385–388

Acronis software, 12

Activate Project button, 50

ad campaign, 313

Add Audio Track dialog box, 47–48

Add External FX dialog box, 27–28

Add External Instrument dialog box, 29, 175–176

Add Input Bus dialog box, 22

Add Instrument Track dialog box, 179

Add Marker button, 134

ADK DAW computer specialist, 8

ADR (Automated Dialog Replacement), 316

Advanced Options (VST Audio System), 16

AFL (after-fader listen), 37, 327

Ainlay, Chuck, 8


OS X operating system, 9

Time Machine software, 12

applications, switching between, 16

archive, 311

Arranger tools, 53, 85

ASIO driver settings

buffer settings, 18–20

external clocking, 18

port naming, 17–18

for PreSonus FireStudio, 17

audio channel settings

control strip, 104–105

default, 102

insert routing, 103–104

send routing, 104

audio clip, 115–116

audio event, 116

audio event handles

event envelope, 206–208

event volume, 204–206

fade handles, 214–219

manual de-essing example, 208–209

sizing, 209–211

sliding contents, 212–213

Audio event Info line, 55

audio file

audio clip and, 115–116

audio file location (Pool), 107–108

audio folder, 43

audio gain, 91

audio recording mode, 143–144

audio settings (Project Setup window), 45–46

Audio track Inspector

Channel tab, 66–67

Direct Routing tab, 69–70

Equalizer Curve tab, 69

Equalizers tab, 63–64

Inserts tab, 61–63

Main tab, 59–61

Network tab, 71

Notepad tab, 67–68

Quick Controls tab, 67–68

Sends tab, 65

Studio Sends tab, 69–70

Surround Pan tab, 69, 71

User Panel tab, 72

Audiosuite processing, 117

AudioWarp tab (Sample Editor), 118–119, 241

Aural Exciter, 354

Auto Punch function, 404

Auto-Fade control, 51

Auto-Latch punch-out mode, 393

Automated Dialog Replacement (ADR), 316

automatic punching

overview, 147

post-roll function, 149

preferences, 148–149

pre-roll function, 149


accidental automation writing, 385–388

Auto-Latch punch-out mode, 393

branches, 401–402

Cross-Over punch-out mode, 393–394

EQ, 386–387

Fill modes, 399–400

global read and write control, 385

individual track mode, 410–411

initial value premise, 388

passes, 400–401

preview workflow (snapshot punch)

Auto Punch function, 404

enabling, 403

overview, 402

process of, 403–404

punch log, 405–410

Punch On Play function, 404

Touch Assist function, 405

Read and Write functions, 383–388

Touch punch-out mode, 392

Trim mode

lead vocal up version using, 396–398

offline value, 395

real-time value, 395

throughout a section value, 395

Trim Freeze mode, 395–396

volume automation, 394

virgin territory premise, 389–392

volume, 385–386

Automation Mode, 51

Auto-Scroll feature, 51, 128–130

aux sends

music mixing, 426–431

normal FX sends, 428

parallel bus compression, 427–428

secondary aux paths, 429–430

available record time display, 54


B range selection, 199–200

background noise

editing to picture, 317

film mixing, 441


incremental, 14

between installs, 13–14

before Nuendo installation, 11–12

for system stability problem, 14

band recording

click track and tempo map, 164–166

digital reference levels, 161

event grouping, 170–171

input metering and levels, 156–158

input routing, 153–156

linear method, 170

meter coloring, 159–160

metronome setup, 165–166

monitoring and headphone mixes, 167–170

multi-channel punching, 172

setup, 153

stacked method, 170

takes, 170–172

track list organization, 161–164

Beat Calculator, 164–165

bit resolution, 46

Blackmagic DeckLink card, 6–7, 12

bloatware, 11

Boot Camp software, 10

boot disk, 10

bounce selection command, 277

branches, automation, 401–402

Brauer, Michael, 355

buffer settings

ASIO driver, 18–20

delay value, 19

high and low, 19

latency, 19

sample rate, 19

standard, 19


bus amp channel, 354

defined, 77

listen, 37–38, 326–328


Can Hide function, 97

CD, importing from, 124–125

Chaining mode (Crossfade dialog box), 233–234


command target, 94

defined, 77

hiding, 97–98

last channel selected display, 101–102

selection, 94

VST, 18

width configuration, 32

Channel parameter, MIDI note, 282

Channel Settings window

accessing, 102

audio channel settings

control strip, 104–105

default, 102

insert routing, 103–104

send routing, 104

Channel Settings Setup, 106

last channel selected display, 101–102

MIDI channel settings, 105–106

Channel tab (Audio track Inspector), 66–67

characters, organize dialog by, 317–318

Cher effect, 253

child bus, 25

Clearmountain, Bob (de-essing technique), 364–366

Click in Empty Space preference, 128

Click option, outputs, 27

click track, 164–166

clip packages, 265–266


audio, 115–116

defined, 111–112

clock, MIDI, 282

coloring, meter, 159–160

Colors button (Project window toolbar), 51

Command Target function, 94–95


single-stroke, 125

transport, 126–127

zooming, 125–126

Common Panel (Mixer), 92–94

comping, 170


drum, 351–354

parallel vocal compressor, 354

send-style, 354


configuring for Nuendo, 11–13

DAW specialists, 8

desktop, 5–7

laptop, 4–5

Mac versus PC debate, 8

multiple processor, 17

server, 7–8

technological advancement, 8

Constrain Delay Compensation control, 51

contextual menu (Pool), 108

Control Panel button (VST Audio System), 17, 19

Control Room

channel width configuration, 32

external input channels, 32

film mixing, 440

headphone channel, 32

hybrid mixing, 374

inserts, 324–325

listen bus, 37–38

Listen Deactivate button, 328

Listen Dim level, 328

listen-enable buttons, 328–329

mixer, 34–37

mixer click options, 165–166

monitor channel, 31

Monitor Sources, 32

music mixing, 419

outputs, 325–326

Overview window, 30–32

preset, 34

stereo mixing configuration, 321–329

Studio channels, 32

talkback channel, 32

VST Outputs, 329–330

control strip, audio channel settings, 104–105

Control Strip (Mixer), 98

controller lanes, MIDI key editor, 285–287

controller, MIDI, 173–174, 282

Convert Tracks function, 347

Copy command, 201

Create MIDI Device dialog box, 40

Create New MIDI Device dialog box, 41, 176

Crop function, 224


altering, 220

contiguous events crossfade editing, 229

creation, 219

curve point adjustment, 232–233

description, 219

drum editing, 277

duration, 220

editing multiple, 221

length, 220

moving, 221

noncontiguous event crossfade editing, 229

selection, 228–230

shape, 231–232

sliders, 230–231

splice point offset, 234

symmetric fades, 232–233

Crossfade dialog box, 227–228

Chaining mode, 233–234

Length slider, 230

Nudging mode, 233–234

Overlap slider, 230–231

Select Crossfade buttons, 229–230

splice point offset, 234

Volume slider, 230

Cross-Over punch-out mode, 393–394

Cryptic Globe Recording computer specialists, 8

cue sheets, 310–312

cursor, stationary, 129–130

Curve Kind buttons, 217


deep level, 81–82

Inspector, 58

Project window toolbar, 52–53

Status Line, 54

Cut command, 200

Cut Head function, 225

Cut Tail function, 225

Cut Time function, 222

Cycle History + Replace record mode, 143

cycle marker, 134

Cycle Record mode, 118

cycle recording, 144–146


Dangerous 2Bus mixing device, 371–372

data types, MIDI, 281–282

DAW computer specialist, 8

DAWStore website, 8

dBFS (decibels full-scale), 161


manual de-essing example, 208–209

side-chain processing, 364–366

Definition tab (Sample Editor), 118–119, 241

delay compensation, 28, 351, 366

delay value, buffer settings, 19

Delete Overlaps function (MIDI), 297–298

Delete Time function, 222

Description field (Project window Info line), 55

desktop computer

DSP accelerators (PCI)

hard drive, 6

high-performance graphic cards, 6–7

processing power, 5

typical setup, 6

destructive gain versus nondestructive event volume, 206

Device Manager (MIDI), 39–42

device panels, MIDI, 41–42

device port sharing, 29–30

in Control Room, 32–34

stereo monitor, 33

Device Setup (Video Player), 302–303

DI (direct input), 354

dialog, film, 316–318

dialog stem, 441

digital reference levels, 161

direct input (DI), 354

direct routing, 454–455

Direct Routing tab (Audio track Inspector), 69–70

disk docking station, 13

disk-imaging software, 12

Distressors, 372

Doubles function (MIDI), 295

driver, 12

drum compression, 351–354

drum editing

crossfades, 277

hitpoints, 272–273

note values, 273

overview, 271

quantization settings, 276

range parameter, 275

slicing rules, 274–275

track priority value, 274

Transparent Events, 272

Drum Editor, 290

drum loops, 242–248

DRUMS group channel, 375

DSP accelerators (PCI), 7

DSP hardware, 5


crossfade, 220

fade, 215


Edit In-Place button, 288, 299–300

Edit mode (Transport menu), 305–307


audio event handles, 204–219

Copy command, 201

crossfade functions, 219–221, 227–234

Cut command, 200


crossfades, 277

hitpoints, 272–273

note values, 273

overview, 271

quantization settings, 276

range parameter, 275

slicing rules, 274–275

track priority value, 274

Transparent Events, 272

graphical EQ, 330–331


dotted pattern indicator, 269

enabling, 266

functions, 269–270

synchronized events for, 267–269

grouping events for, 260–270

linear versus musical timebase, 278–280


drum editor, 289–290

functions, 295–298

in-place editor, 288, 299–300

key editor, 283–287

length changes, 294

list editor, 289

logical editor, 298–299

project browser list, 289–290

quantizing, 290–292

transposing options, 293–294

object selection for, 197–198

overview, 195

pasting, 201–204

to picture

ad campaign, 313

background noise, 317

Edit Mode, 305–307

film dialog, 316–318

marker tracks, 310–312

Move to Cursor command, 309

Move to Origin command, 309–310

multiple TV spots, 312–316

multiple video events, 304–305

naming scheme, 315

nudging commands, 310

production audio, 316–318

snap point, 307–308

tag line, 313

video file, importing, 301–304

range selection for, 198–200

range-specific functions, 222–225

Sample Editor

Audio Warp tab, 241

Definition tab, 241

drum loops, matching two, 242–248

Hitpoints tab, 241

Process tab, 242

Range tab, 242

VariAudio tab, 241

Snap function, 234–240

VariAudio editor

rendering pitch and time correction, 259

vocal tuning, 249–257

warping timing adjustments, 258

editing tools (Project window toolbar), 51


in-place, 189

key, 189

list, 190

logical, 192–194

Electronic Wind Instrument (EWI) controller, 173

Empty Trash dialog box, 111

End field (Project window Info line), 55

End parameter, MIDI note, 282

envelope, event, 206–208

EQ (equalization)

automation, 386–387

dialog EQ, copying with punch log, 406–410

filter type, 331

graphical EQ editing, 330–331

inversion, 331

presets, 333

Equalizer Curve tab (Audio track Inspector), 69

Equalizers tab (Audio track Inspector), 63–64

Euphonix MIDI, 39


audio, 116, 204–219

copying, 201

cutting, 200

defined, 77

MIDI, 188–190

pasting, 201–204

selection, 197–198

event boundaries, 132

Event Display (Project window), 82–84

event grouping, 170–171

clip package, 265–266

faded together, 261

grouped icon, 260

multi-channel SFX spotting, 263–265

multi-mic’ed guitar amp, 262–263

noncontiguous or asynchronous events, 262

on same track, 260

event volume handles, 204–206

EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument) controller, 173

expanded section (Mixer), 87–89

Export Audio Mixdown window, 314, 343


marker tracks, 311–312

mix file, 436–438

EXT switch, 324

external clocking, 18

external FX, music mixing, 417–418

External FX tab (VST Connections window), 27–28

external input channels (Control Room), 32

external inputs, stereo mixing, 324

external instrument

creating, 175–177

MIDI recording, 174–177

monitoring of, 175–177

External Instruments tab (VST Connections window), 29

external MIDI keyboard or device, 174


fade handles

adjusting multiple fades, 219

fade curve, 216–217

fade curve dialog, 216

fade duration, 215

fade shape, 216–219

left fade handle, 214

linear interpolation, 217

spline interpolation, 217–218

Fade-In field (Project window Info line), 55

Fade-Out field (Project window Info line), 55

Fairchild compressor, 371–372

Fast Forward command (+ key), 126

Favorites, 28

feedback loops, 366–370

feet+frames grid option, 238

File Name field (Project window Info line), 55

file naming, 111–112

file structure. See project file structure


interleaved, 109

in the Pool, 107–108

Fill modes, automation, 399–400

film dialog, 316–318

film mixing

background sound, 441

Control Room configuration, 440

dialogue stem, 441

direct routing, 454–455

Foley sound, 441

insert routing, 445–446

MixConvert plug-in, 449–451

music stem, 441–442

pre-dubs, 451–453

print master, 455–456

production processes, 439

sound effects, 441

speaker calibration, 444

stem routing, 446–447

stems, 453–454

stereo Lt/Rt mix, 442

surround panner, 448–449

surround routing test, 447–451

surround sound, 442–443, 445–446

VST connections, 440–442

filter types, equalization, 331

Fine-Tune field (Project window Info line), 55

FireStudio MIDI, 39

Fixed Lengths function (MIDI), 295–296

flattening, 259–260

flying the background vocals, 238–240


audio, 43

project, 43

track, 161–163

folder group editing

dotted pattern indicator, 269

enabling, 266

functions, 269–270

synchronized events for, 267–269

folder tracks, music mixing, 432

Foley sound, 441

format, Ruler line, 56

Frame Numbers and Frame Thumbnails, 304

Frampton, Peter, 8

Freeze Quantize feature, 292

Front Divergence, 448

FX channels, 421–422

FX, mixing, 376

FX return level, 337–338


G key (Zoom Out command), 125–126

gain, 90–91

Gaps fill mode, 399

global automation read and write control, 385

global meter settings, 156–157

Global Transpose field (Project window Info line), 55

Go To icon, 134–135

Grado’s channel, 322

graphical EQ editing, 330–331

graphical user interface (GUI), 6

graphics cards, 6

Grid mode (Snap function), 235–236

Grid Relative mode (Snap function), 236–237

grid settings, 237–238

Grid Type control, 51

Groove Agent, 75

groove template, 244

group editing

dotted pattern indicator, 269

enabling, 266

functions, 269–270

synchronized events for, 267–269

group routing, 423

grouped events, 170–171

Group/FX tab (VST Connections window), 27



clip package, 265–266

faded together, 261

grouped icon, 260

multi-channel SFX spotting, 263–265

multi-mic’ed guitar amp, 262–263

noncontiguous or asynchronous events, 262

on same track, 261

subgrouping, 340–342

tracks, 81–82

GUI (graphical user interface), 6

guitar amp, event grouping, 262–263


H key (Zoom In command), 125–126

handles, audio event

event envelope, 206–208

fade handles, 214–219

manual de-essing example, 208–209

sizing, 209–211

sliding contents, 212–213

volume, 204–206

hard drive

desktop computer, 6

disk docking station, 13

hot swap, 13

installation, 12–13

laptop, 5

restoring back to state, 12

hardware driver, 12

headphone channel, 32

headphone mix

band recording, 167–170

multi-channel system, 168–170

Studio Send, 167–168

Hearback headphone system, 168

height, track, 162

hidden automation track, 126

hiding channels, 97–98

hiding tracks, 163

high-performance graphic cards, 6–7

hitpoint, 245

adjustment, 244

creating slices from, 244, 246

drum editing, 272–273

misplaced, 244

Hitpoints tab (Sample Editor), 119–120, 241–242

hybrid mixing

analog versus digital summing debate, 371

connection diagram, 372

Control Room for, 374

FX, 376

gear, 371–372

LA-2A external FX, 373–374

mixer configuration, 375–376

monitoring and recording, 378–381

parallel compression path, 377–378

VST connections, 373


Import from Audio CD dialog box, 124

Import Video dialog box, 302


from CD, 124–125

video file, 301–304

incremental backup, 14

individual track automation mode, 410–411

Info line (Project window), 54–56

initial value premise, automation, 388

in-place editor, 189, 288, 299–300

input activity monitor, MIDI, 174

input metering and levels, 156–157

input routing

band recording, 153–156

mic channels, 155

Input Transformer tool, 90–91


assignment, 22

bus naming, 22–23

channel width, 21

device ports, 22–23

labels, 21

MIDI, 191–192

multi-channel, 21

music mixing, 418

preset, 23

sharing of physical input, 21

side-chain processing, 363

VST, 20–23

insert routing

audio channel settings, 103–104

film routing, 445–446

Insert Silence function, 224


Control Room, 324–325

moving, 335–336

plug-in menu, 333

presets, 337

signal flow, 334

Inserts tab (Audio track Inspector), 61–63


Audio track

Channel tab, 66–67

Direct Routing tab, 69–70

Equalizer Curve tab, 69

Equalizers tab, 63–64

Inserts tab, 61–63

Main tab, 59–61

Network tab, 71

Notepad tab, 67–68

Quick Controls tab, 67–68

Sends tab, 65

Studio Sends tab, 69–70

Surround Pan tab, 69, 71

User Panel tab, 72

customization, 58

instrument track, 180

main tab, 57

MIDI track

MIDI Fader tab, 73

MIDI Inserts tab, 73

MIDI Instrument tab, 75

MIDI Main tab, 72–73

MIDI Modifiers tab, 75–76

MIDI Network tab, 77

MIDI Notepad, 73

MIDI Quick Controls tab, 74

MIDI Sends tab, 76

User Panel tab, 77

Inspector Setup dialog box, 58


clean OS install, 11–12

driver, 12

hard drive, 12–13

Nuendo, 13–14

operating system, 11–12

system instability problems, 14

third-party plug-in, 14

instrument track, 174

Inspector, 180

MIDI recording, 179–180

intended use, Nuendo, 3–4

interleaved files, 109

internal monitoring, external instruments, 175

internal VSTi, 174

inversion, EQ, 331

iterative quantizing, 277


J key command (Snap function), 234

Jog/Shuttle control, 85


Keep History audio record mode, 143

key editor, 189

controller lanes, 285–287

overview, 283

piano roll feature, 284

VST expression maps, 287

- key (Rewind command), 126

Korg’s Kaos pad, 173


L key (Locate to Selection command), 132

LA-2A compressor, 372–374

Lamm, Steve, 8

lane display, overlaps, 141–143

laptop, 4–5

last channel selected display, 101–102

latency, 19, 418

layout, Sample Editor, 117–118

left and right locators, 53, 131–132

Legato function (MIDI), 295

length adjustment, MIDI, 294

Length field (Project window Info line), 55

Length parameter, MIDI note, 282

Length slider (Crossfade dialog box), 230

linear interpolation, 217

linear method

band recording, 170

voiceover recording, 139

linear timebase, 278–280

list editor, 190, 288–289

listen bus, 37–38, 326–328

Listen Deactivate button, 328

Listen Dim level, 328

listen-enable buttons, 328–329

Locate to Selection command (L key), 132

Lock button, video track, 304

Lock field (Project window Info line), 55

logical editor, 192–194, 298

Loop fill mode, 399



versus PC debate, 8

Windows on, 10

Main Mix designation, 25–26

Main tab (Audio track inspector), 57, 59–61

manual punching, 146–147


adding, 134

cycle, 134

Go To icon, 134–135

moving to next or previous, 134

single, 134

marker tracks

creating cue sheets with, 310–312

exporting, 311–312

track archive, 311

mastering, 357–363

M-Audio Midisport interface, 175

Media and Mixer button, 53

MediaBay, 121

memory, 10–11


coloring, 159–160

global settings, 156–157

mixer, 89

peak, 156–158

resetting, 157–158

Metronome Setup dialog box, 165–166

mic channels, input routing, 155


clock, 282

controller, 173–174, 282

data types, 281–282

Delete Overlaps function, 297–298

Device Manager, 39–42

device panels, 41–42

Doubles functions, 295

Drum Editor, 290

Edit In-Place button, 299–300

Euphonix, 39

FireStudio, 39

Fixed Lengths function, 295–296

in-place editor, 288, 299–300

input activity monitor, 174

Input Transformer tool, 90–91

inputs, 191–192

key editor

controller lanes, 285–287

overview, 283

piano roll feature, 284

VST expression maps, 287

Legato function, 295

list editor, 288–289

logical editor, 298

MIDI Time Code (MTC), 282

note, 190

overlapping, 297–298

parameters, 281–282

Overlaps functions, 295

part, 283

port selection, 41–42

ports, 191

Project Browser list, 289–290

quantizing, 290–292


external instruments, 174–177

instrument track, 179–180

MIDI event, 188–190

MIDI parts, 188

MIDI record filter, 186

multi-channel data, 191–194

setup, 173

tempo mapping-time warping, 180–186

VST instruments, 177–179

Sustain function, 295

System Exclusive (Sys-Ex) message, 282

timing adjustment, 299–300

tracks, 174

transposition, 293–294

USB Axiom 61 controller, 39

Velocity function, 295

viewing data, 282

MIDI event Info line, 56

MIDI Merge, 174

MIDI Port Setup, 38–39, 191

MIDI track Inspector

MIDI Fader tab, 73

MIDI Inserts tab, 73

MIDI Instrument tab, 75

MIDI Main tab, 72–73

MIDI Modifiers tab, 75–76

MIDI Network tab, 77

MIDI Notepad, 73

MIDI Quick Controls tab, 74

MIDI Sends tab, 76

User Panel tab, 77

MixConvert plug-in, 104, 449–451


audio gain, 91

Can Hide function, 97

Command Target function, 94–95

Common Panel, 92–94

Control Room, 34–37

Control Strip, 98

controls, 35–37

delay compensation, 28

expanded section, 87–89

meter, 89

Narrow Channel button, 86

normal channel fader section, 86–87

panner, 87, 89

polarity reverse, 91

project file structure, 44–5

sections, 86–87

sends, 87

Shift function, 95

Shift+Alt function, 95

top routing and gain section, 90–91

wave meter, 90

mixing. See also automation; Control Room

basic mix routing, 329–330

feedback loops, 366–370


background sound, 441

Control Room configuration, 440

dialog stem, 441

direct routing, 454–455

Foley sound, 441

insert routing, 445–446

MixConvert plug-in, 449–451

music stem, 441–442

pre-dubs, 451–453

print master, 455–456

production processes, 439

sound effects, 441

speaker calibration, 444

stems, 453–454

stereo Lt/Rt mix, 442

surround panner, 448–449

surround routing test, 447–451

surround sound, 442–443, 445–446

VST connections, 440–442


analog versus digital summing debate, 371

connection diagram, 372

Control Room for, 374

FX, 376

gear, 371–372

LA-2A external FX, 373–374

mixer configuration, 375–376

monitoring and recording, 378–381

parallel compression path, 377–378

VST connections, 373

inserts, 333–337

mix bus processing, 342–345

M-S mastering, 357–363

multi-bus, 355–357

multiple outputs to console, 346–349


aux sends, 426–431

Control Room setup, 419

external FX, 417–418

folder tracks, 432

FX channels, 421–422

gear, 415–416

group routing, 423

hardware, 415

inputs, 418

mix file, exporting, 436–438

mixer organization, 432–433

mixer routing, 422-426

monitoring the mix, 426

output routing, 424

ping text, 418

recording the mix, 434–436

side-chain signals, 430–431

song example, 413–415

subgrouping, 419–420

summing device, 415

VST outputs, 416–417

overview, 319

parallel processing, 351–354

sends, 337–339

side-chain processing, 363–366


Control Room mixer configuration, 321–329

external inputs, 324

inserts, 324–325

listen bus, 326–328

overview, 321

reference volume level, 323–324

speaker outputs (monitors), 325–326

subgrouping, 340–342

ModMachine delay plug-in, 366–367

monitor channel, 31–33

Monitor Sources (Control Room), 32

monitors (speaker outputs), 325–326

mono external effect, 368

Move to Cursor command, 309

Move to Origin command, 309–310


crossfade, 221

inserts, 335–336

MPC5000 external instrument return configuration, 177

M-S mastering, 357–363

MTC (MIDI Time Code), 282

multi-bus mixing, 355–357

multi-channel headphone systems, 168–170

multi-channel MIDI data, recording, 191–194

multi-channel punching, 172

multi-channel SFX spotting, 263–265

multi-mic’ed guitar amp, 262–263

multiple processor, 17

multiple takes

band recording, 170–172

event grouping, 170–171

music mixing

aux sends, 426–431

Control Room setup, 419

external FX, 417–418

folder tracks, 432

FX channels, 421–422

gear, 415–416

group routing, 423

hardware, 415

inputs, 418

mix file, exporting, 436–438

mixer organization, 432–433

mixer routing, 422–426

monitoring the mix, 426

output routing, 424

ping test, 418

recording the mix, 434–436

side-chain signals, 430–431

song example, 413–415

subgrouping, 419–420

summing device, 415

VST outputs, 416–417

musical timebase, 278–280

Mute button, video track, 304

Mute field (Project window Info line), 55


Narrow Channel button, 86


Auto-Scroll feature, 128–130

Click in Empty space preference, 128

event boundaries, 132

exercise, 130–131

importing songs, 124–125

left and right locators, 131–132

Locate to Selection command (L key), 132

markers, 134

Next/Previous event command, 132–133

Pro Tools versus Nuendo, 123

project ruler, 127

Return to Start Position on Stop preference, 127–128

stationary cursors, 129–130

transport commands, 126–127

Transport panel key commands, 134–135

zooming, 125–126

NEK (Nuendo Expansion Kit), 13–14

Network Controls, 53

Network tab (Audio track Inspector), 71

New Project dialog box, 43–44

New York parallel drum compression, 427

Next/Previous event command, 132–133

nondestructive event volume versus destructive gain, 206

non-linear process, 116

normal channel fader section (Mixer), 86–87

normal FX sends, 428

Normal Sizing mode, 210

note, MIDI, 190

overlapping, 297–298

parameters, 281–282

note value, drum editing, 273

Notepad tab (Audio track Inspector), 67–68

.npr file, 43

Nudge Palette, 53

nudging commands, 310

Nudging mode (Crossfade dialog box), 233–234


installation, 13–14

intended use, 3–4

as recorder, 346–349

Nuendo Expansion Kit (NEK), 13–14


Object Selection tool

event selection, 197–198

pasting with, 201–202

offline processing, 117

Offset field (Project window Info line), 55

Off-Velocity parameter, MIDI note, 282

Open Document Options dialog box, 15–16

operating system

installation, 11–12

OS X, 9

selection consideration, 9–10

Windows 7, 9

Windows XP, 9

Orbit, 448

Organize Workspace dialog box, 122

OS X operating system (Apple), 9


child bus, 25

Click option, 27

Control Room, 325–326

for film dubbing project, 23–24

Main Mix designation, 25–26

output bus not connected option, 26

preset, 25

for simple stereo projects, 23

stereo mixing, 325–326

VST, 23–27

Overlap slider (Crossfade dialog box), 230–231

overlapping MIDI note, 297–298


audio recording mode, 143–144

lane display, 141–143

voiceover recording, 140–144

Overlaps function (MIDI), 295

Overview Line (Project window), 49–50


panner, Mixer, 87, 89

panning, 377

parallel processing, 351–354

hybrid mixing, 377–378

music mixing, 427–428

parallel vocal compressors, 354

Parallels software, 10

part, MIDI, 188, 283

passes, automation, 400–401

Paste Time at Origin function, 223

Paste Time function, 223

pasting, 201–202

PC Audiolabs DAW computer specialist, 8

PC versus Mac debate, 8

PCI (PCIe) slot, 5, 7

peak meter, 156–158

Pencil tool, 206–207

Performance Meter indicators, 53

PFL (pre-fader listen), 37, 327

piano roll feature, 284

picture, editing to

ad campaign, 313

background noise, 317

Edit Mode, 305–307

film dialog, 316–318

marker tracks, 310–312

Move to Cursor command, 309

Move to Origin command, 309–310

multiple TV spots, 312–316

multiple video events, 304–305

naming scheme, 315

nudging commands, 310

production audio, 316–318

snap point, 307–308

tag line, 313

video file, importing, 301–304

ping text, 418

Pitch and Warp tools, 249–250

Pitch parameter, MIDI note, 282

pitch segment

audio event analyzed and displayed as, 250

boundaries, 250

colored block indicator, 250–251

dragging to exact pitch, 251–252

moving one side of, 255

placing tilt anchor, 256–257

rotating around center point, 255

Segmentation Editing mode, 250

shifting between pitches, 253

slice point, 251

straighten pitch setting, 253–254

trimming, 250–251

pitch-shifting, 280

playlist, 146

Play/Stop command (Spacebar key), 126

plosive, 115

polarity reverse, 91, 351


audio file location, 107–108

contextual menu, 108

file naming in, 111–112

imported audio files, 106–107

record folder, 112–113

during recording, 109–111

status column, 112–114

port naming, 17–18

port sharing, 29–30, 32–34

ports, MIDI, 191

post-roll function, 149

pre-dubs, 451–453

pre-fader listen (PFL), 37, 327

pre-record preference, 149–151

pre-roll function, 149


Control Room, 34

EQ, 333

input, 23

inserts, 337

output, 25

Preset Management icon, 61

PreSonus FireStudio, 17

preview workflow (snapshot punch)

Auto Punch function, 404

enabling, 403

overview, 402

process of, 403–404

punch log, 405–410

Punch On Play function, 404

Touch Assist function, 405

print master, 455–456

Pro Tools user tip

destructive gain versus nondestructive event volume, 206

interleaved files, 109

Link Edit and Transport, 309

navigation, 123

new project creation, 44

playlist, 146

QuickPunch, 151

region list and Pool equivalency, 107

TrackPunch, 172

Process tab (Sample Editor), 120, 242

production audio, 317–318, 3166

Project Browser list, 289–290

project file structure

audio folder, 43

mixer, 44–45

new project creation, 43–44

project folder, 43–44

project setup, 45–46

Project window, 44–45

Transport window, 44–45

waveform display file, 43

Project Root Key, 54

project ruler, 127

Project Setup window, 45–46

Project window

display options, 48–49

Event Display, 82–84

functions, 47–48

Info line, 54–56


Audio track, 58–72

customization, 58

main tab, 57

MIDI track, 72–77

Overview Line, 49–50

project file structure, 44–45

Ruler line, 56–57

Status Line, 54

toolbar tools and controls, 50–52

Track List, 78–82

window layouts, 48–50

Pultex equalizers, 371–372

punch log, 405–410

Punch On Play function, 404

punching in

automatic punching, 147–149

manual punching, 146–147

multi-channel, 172

pre-record preference, 149–151

QuickPunch, 151

punch-out mode, automation, 392


Quantization Setting control, 51

quantization settings

drum editing, 276

iterative, 277

MIDI editing, 290–292

Quantize panel

accessing, 290

crossfade function, 248

Freeze Quantize feature, 292

grid settings, 237–238

Reset Quantize feature, 291–292

Quantize pop-up menu, 247

Quick Controls, 74

Quick Controls tab (Audio track Inspector), 67–68

QuickPunch, 151


Radius, 448

range parameter, drum editing, 275

range selection, 198–200

Range tab (Sample Editor), 120, 242

Range tool, 202–203

range-specific editing functions, 222–225

Read and Write functions, 383–388

Read Divergence, 448

Realtime algorithm, 259

Record command (* key), 126

record file type, 46

record folder (Pool), 112–113

recorder, Nuendo as, 346–349



click track and tempo map, 164–166

digital reference levels, 161

event grouping, 170–171

input metering and levels, 156–158

input routing, 153–156

linear method, 170

meter coloring, 159–160

metronome setup, 165–166

monitoring and headphone mixes, 167–170

multi-channel punching, 172

setup, 153

stacked method, 170

takes, 170–172

track list organization, 161–164

cycle, 144–146


external instruments, 174–177

instrument track, 179–180

MIDI event, 188–190

MIDI parts, 188

MIDI record filter, 186

multi-channel data, 191–194

setup, 173

VST instruments, 177–179

music mixing, 434–436

Pool during, 109–111


cycle recording, 144–146

linear method, 139

multiple takes, 139–140

overlaps, 140–144

punching in, 146–151

setup, 139–140

stacked method, 139

reference operating level, 161

regions, 117–118

Release Driver in Background option (VST Audio System), 16

Remove Volume Curve command, 207

rendering pitch and time correction (flattening), 259–260

Replace record mode, 143–144

Reset Quantize feature, 291–292

Return to Start Position on Stop preference, 127–128

reverb return, 38

Rewind command (- key), 126

right locator, 131–132

Roland HandSonic controllers, 173

Root Key field (Project window Info line), 55


basic mix, 329–330

film, 446–447

ruler, 127

Ruler line (Project window), 56–57


S sound, 208–209

Sample Editor

audio clip, 115

audio event, 116

AudioWarp tab, 118–119, 241

Cycle Record mode, 118

Definition tab, 118–119, 241

drum loops, matching two, 242–248

Hitpoints tab, 119–120, 241–242

layout, 117–118

multiple, 117

Process tab, 120, 242

Range tab, 120, 242

regions, 117–118

VariAudio tab, 119, 241

sample rate, 19, 46, 303

samples grid option, 238

scale transposition, 293–294

Scherbarth, Dan, 8

Scissors tool, 204–205

scoring, 186

seconds grid option, 238

Segmentation Editing mode, 250


crossfade, 228–230

object, 197–198

Selection tool, 210–211

semitone transposition, 293

send routing, 104


FX return level, 337–338

Mixer, 87

send level, 337–338

signal flow, 338

signal source, 337

Sends tab (Audio track Inspector), 65

send-style compression, 354

server computer, 7–8

Setup Window Layout button, 50


crossfade, 231–232

fade, 216–219

Shift function (Mixer), 95

Shift+Alt function (Mixer), 95

Shift+F key (Zoom to Entire Project command), 125

Shift+S key (Zoom to Selected command), 126

side-chain processing, 363–366, 430–431

signal flow

inserts, 334

sends, 338

Sine Shape tool, 287

single marker, 134

SIP (Solo-In-Place), 37–38, 329

slice point, pitch segment, 251

slices, creating from hitpoint, 244, 246

slicing rules, drum editing, 274–275

sliding audio event, 212–213

Snap field (Project window Info line), 55

Snap function

enabling, 234

flying background vocals example, 238–240

Grid mode, 235–236

Grid Relative mode, 236–237

grid settings, 237–238

snap mode area, 235

snap types, 235

Snap On/Off control, 51

snap point, editing to picture, 307–308

Snap Type control, 51



reverb return, 38

Solo-In-Place (SIP), 37–38, 329

sound effect

film mixing, 441

multi-channel, 263–265

Spacebar key (Play/Stop command), 126

speaker calibration, 444

splice point offset, 234

spline interpolation, 217–218

Split function, 223

stacked method

band recording, 170

voiceover recording, 139

Start field (Project window Info line), 55

Start parameter, MIDI note, 282

stationary cursors, 129–130

status column (Pool), 112–114

Status Line, 54

stem routing, 446–447

stems, film mixing, 453–454

stereo Lt/Rt mix, 442

stereo mixing

Control Room mixer configuration, 321–329

external inputs, 324

inserts, 324–325

listen bus, 326–328

overview, 321

reference volume level, 323–324

speaker outputs (monitors), 325–326

stereo monitor, 33

stereo pan law, 46

straighten pitch setting, 253–254

Studio channels (Control Room), 32

Studio Sends, 104

headphone mix, 167–168

multi-channel headphone systems, 168–170

Studio Sends tab (Audio track Inspector), 69–70

Studio tab (VST Connections window), 30–31

subgrouping, 340–342, 419–420

submenu, workspace, 122

surround panner, 87, 448–449

surround routing test, 447–451

surround sound, 442–446

Surround tab (Audio track Inspector), 69, 71

SurroundPanner V5, 87

Sustain functions (MIDI), 295

System Exclusive (Sys-Ex) message, MIDI, 282


tag line, 313

talkback channel (Control Room), 32

Tap Tempo tool, 164–165

tempo map, 164–166, 180–186

Thermaltake SATA hard drive disk docking station, 13

third-party plug-in installation, 14

tilt anchor, pitch segment, 256–257

time correction, 259–260

Time Machine software (Apple), 12

time stretching algorithm, 279–280

time warping, 180–186

timebase, ruler, 56–57

timecode grid option, 238

timestamp, 309

time-stretching, 59, 116

timing adjustment, MIDI, 299–300

timing of segments, 258–259

To End fill mode, 399

To Punch fill mode, 399

To Start fill mode, 399

Toggle Timebase button, 278

toolbar (Project window)

customization, 52–53

hidden controls, 53–54

Toolbar Setup dialog box, 52

tools and controls, 50–52

Toolbar Setup dialog box, 52

top routing and gain section (Mixer), 90–91

Touch Assist function, 405

Touch punch-out mode, 392

T-Pain effect, 253


defined, 77

folder, 161–163

height, 162

hiding, 163

instrument, 174

MIDI, 174

recording, 163

track archive, 311

track list (Project window)

band recording, 161–164

track control grouping and wrapping display, 81–82

track control settings, 80–81

track details and controls, 78–79

TrackPunch (Pro Tools), 172

Transparent Events, 272

Transport panel

Arranger tools, 85

buttons and controls, 84–85

Jog/Shuttle control, 85

navigation and transport commands, 126–127, 134–135

project file structure, 44–45

Virtual Keyboard (NEK), 86

Transpose field (Project window Info line), 55

Transpose Setup dialog box, 293


by scale, 293–294

by semitone, 293

use range for, 294

trash, 111

Trim mode

lead vocal up version using, 396–398

offline value, 395

real-time value, 395

throughout a section value, 395

Trim Freeze mode, 395–396

volume automation, 394


icon, 258

pitch segment, 250–251



Quad PCIe DSP accelerator card, 7

Undo Branches feature, 401–402

USB Axiom 61 controller, 38–39

use range for transposition, 294

user delay, 28

User Panel tab

Audio track Inspector, 72

MIDI track Inspector, 77


VariAudio editor

rendering pitch and time correction, 259

vocal tuning, 249–257

warping timing adjustments, 258

VariAudio tab (Sample Editor), 119, 241

Velocity functions (MIDI), 295

Velocity parameter, MIDI note, 282

video file

ad campaign, 313

Edit Mode functions, 305–307

importing, 301–304

multiple TV spots, 312–316

multiple video events, 304–305

naming scheme, 315

sample rate, 303

tag line, 313

video frame rate, 303

video track controls, 304

Video Player, 302–303

viewing MIDI data, 282

virgin territory premise, automation, 389–392

virtual instrument, 177–179

Virtual Keyboard (NEK), 86

vocal tuning, 249–257

voiceover recording

cycle recording, 144–146

linear method, 139

multiple takes, 139–140

overlaps, 140–144

punching in, 146–151

setup, 139–140

stacked method, 139


automation, 385–386

event volume handle, 204–206

stereo mixing, 323–324

Volume field (Project window Info line), 55

Volume slider (Crossfade dialog box), 230

VST Audio System

accessing, 15

Advanced Options, 16

Control Panel button, 17, 19

Release Driver in Background option, 16

VST Connections window

Control Room

channel width configuration, 32

device port sharing in, 32–34

external input channels, 32

headphone channel, 32

listen bus, 37–38

mixer, 34–37

monitor channel, 31

Monitor Sources, 32

Overview window, 30–32

preset, 34

Studio channels, 32

talkback channel, 32

device port sharing, 29–30

Disable Control Room option, 346

External FX tab, 27–28

External Instruments tab, 29

Group/FX tab, 27

opening, 20

Studio tab, 30–31

VST Inputs tab, 20–23

VST Outputs tab, 23–27, 329–330

VST expression maps, 287

VST Inputs tab (VST Connections window), 20–23

VST Instrument (VSTi)

internal, 174

MIDI channel settings, 105

VST Instruments window, 177–178

VST Outputs

basic mix routing, 329–330

for feedback send, 367–368

film mixing, 440–442

hybrid mixing, 373

mix bus processing, 342

multi-bus mixing, 355–356

multiple outputs to console, 346

music mixing, 416–417

routing to device port, 347

VST Outputs tab (VST Connections window), 23–27, 329–330

VSTi (VST Instrument)

internal, 174

MIDI channel settings, 105


warping algorithm, 279–280

warping timing adjustments, 258

wave meter, mixer, 90

waveform display file, 43


Acronis software, 12

on Mac, 10

Windows 7 operating system, 9

Windows XP operating system, 9


description of, 121

locking, 122

organizing, 122

submenu, 122

switching between, 122

wrapping, grouped controls, 81–82

Write and Read functions, 383–388



commands, 125–126

G key (Zoom Out command), 125–126

H key (Zoom In command), 125–126

navigation technique, 125–127

Shift+F key (Zoom to Entire Project command), 125

Shift+S key (Zoom to Selected command), 126

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