Understanding Formula Basics

A formula is entered into a cell. It performs a calculation of some type and returns a result, which is displayed in the cell. Formulas use a variety of operators and worksheet functions to work with values and text. The values and text used in formulas can be located in other cells, which makes changing data easy and gives worksheets their dynamic nature. For example, you can see multiple scenarios quickly by changing the data in a worksheet and letting your formulas do the work.

A formula can consist of any of these elements:

  • Mathematical operators, such as + (for addition) and * (for multiplication)

  • Cell references (including named cells and ranges)

  • Values or text

  • Worksheet functions (such as SUM or AVERAGE)

New Feature

When you’re working with a table, a new feature in Excel 2007 enables you to create formulas that use column names from the table—which can make your formulas much easier to read. I discuss table formulas later in this chapter. (See the section “Using Formulas in Tables.”)

After you enter a formula, the cell displays the calculated result of the formula. The formula itself appears in the Formula bar when you select the cell, however.

Following are a few examples of formulas:

=150*.05Multiplies 150 times 0.05. This formula uses only values and isn’t all that useful because it always returns the same result. You may as well just enter the value 7.5 into the cell.
=A1+A2Adds the values in cells A1 and A2.
=Income-ExpensesSubtracts the value in the cell named Expenses from the value in the cell named Income.
=SUM(A1:A12)Adds the values in the range A1:A12.
=A1=C12Compares cell A1 with cell C12. If they are identical, the formula returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE.


Formulas always begin with the equal sign so that Excel can distinguish them from text.

Using operators in formulas

Excel lets you use a variety of operators in your formulas. Operators are symbols that indicate the type of mathematical operation you want the formula to perform. Table 15-1 lists the operators that Excel recognizes. In addition to these, Excel has many built-in functions that enable you to perform additional calculations.

Table 15-1. Operators Used in Formulas
=Logical comparison (equal to)
>Logical comparison (greater than)
<Logical comparison (less than)
>=Logical comparison (greater than or equal to)
<=Logical comparison (less than or equal to)
<>Logical comparison (not equal to)

You can, of course, use as many operators as you need to perform the desired calculation.

Following are some examples of formulas that use various operators.

FormulaWhat It Does
="Part-"&"23A"Joins (concatenates) the two text strings to produce Part-23A.
=A1&A2Concatenates the contents of cell A1 with cell A2. Concatenation works with values as well as text. If cell A1 contains 123 and cell A2 contains 456, this formula would return the value 123456.
=6^3Raises 6 to the third power (216).
=216^(1/3)Returns the cube root of 216 (6).
=A1<A2Returns TRUE if the value in cell A1 is less than the value in cell A2. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. Logical-comparison operators also work with text. If A1 contained Bill and A2 contained Julia, the formula would return TRUE, because Bill comes before Julia in alphabetical order.
=A1<=A2Returns TRUE if the value in cell A1 is less than or equal to the value in cell A2. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
=A1<>A2Returns TRUE if the value in cell A1 isn’t equal to the value in cell A2. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

Understanding operator precedence in formulas

When Excel calculates the value of a formula, it uses certain rules to determine the order in which the various parts of the formula are calculated. You need to understand these rules if you want your formulas to produce the desired results.

Table 15-2 lists the Excel operator precedence. This table shows that exponentiation has the highest precedence (it’s performed first) and logical comparisons have the lowest precedence (they’re performed last).

Table 15-2. Operator Precedence in Excel Formulas
=Equal to5
<Less than5
>Greater than5

You can use parentheses to override Excel’s built-in order of precedence. Expressions within parentheses are always evaluated first.

The following formula uses parentheses to control the order in which the calculations occur. In this case, cell B3 is subtracted from cell B2 and the result is multiplied by cell B4:


If you enter the formula without the parentheses, Excel computes a different answer. Because multiplication has a higher precedence, cell B3 is multiplied by cell B4. Then this result is subtracted from cell B2, which isn’t what was intended.

The formula without parentheses looks like this:


It’s a good idea to use parentheses even when they aren’t strictly necessary. Doing so helps to clarify what the formula is intended to do. For example, the following formula makes it perfectly clear that B3 should be multiplied by B4, and the result subtracted from cell B2. Without the parentheses, you would need to remember Excel’s order of precedence.


You can also nest parentheses within formulas—that is, put them inside other parentheses. If you do so, Excel evaluates the most deeply nested expressions first—and then works its way out. Here’s an example of a formula that uses nested parentheses:


This formula has four sets of parentheses—three sets are nested inside the fourth set. Excel evaluates each nested set of parentheses and then sums the three results. This result is then multiplied by the value in B6.

Although the preceding formula uses four sets of parentheses, only the outer set is really necessary. If you understand operator precedence, it should be clear that you can rewrite this formula as:


Again, using the extra parentheses makes the calculation much clearer.

Every left parenthesis, of course, must have a matching right parenthesis. If you have many levels of nested parentheses, keeping them straight can sometimes be difficult. If the parentheses don’t match, Excel displays a message explaining the problem—and won’t let you enter the formula.

In some cases, if your formula contains mismatched parentheses, Excel may propose a correction to your formula. Figure 15-1 shows an example of the Formula AutoCorrect feature. You may be tempted simply to accept the proposed correction, but be careful—in many cases, the proposed formula, although syntactically correct, isn’t the formula you intended, and it will produce an incorrect result.

Figure 15-1. Excel’s Formula AutoCorrect feature often suggests a correction to an erroneous formula.


Excel lends a hand in helping you match parentheses. When the insertion point moves over a parenthesis while you’re editing a cell, Excel momentarily bolds it—and does the same with its matching parenthesis.

Using functions in your formulas

Most formulas you create use worksheet functions. These functions enable you to greatly enhance the power of your formulas and perform calculations that are difficult (or even impossible) if you use only the operators discussed previously. For example, you can use the TAN function to calculate the tangent of an angle. You can’t do this calculation by using only the mathematical operators.

Examples of formulas that use functions

A worksheet function can simplify a formula significantly. To calculate the average of the values in 10 cells (A1:A10) without using a function, you’d have to construct a formula like this:


Not very pretty, is it? Even worse, you would need to edit this formula if you added another cell to the range. Fortunately, you can replace this formula with a much simpler one that uses one of Excel’s built-in worksheet functions:


The following formula demonstrates how using a function can enable you to perform calculations that would not be possible otherwise. If (for example) you need to determine the largest value in a range, a formula can’t tell you the answer without using a function. Here’s a simple formula that returns the largest value in the range A1:D100:


Functions also can sometimes eliminate manual editing. Assume that you have a worksheet that contains 1,000 names in cells A1:A1000, and all names appear in all-capital letters. Your boss sees the listing and informs you that the names will be mail-merged with a form letter—so all uppercase is not acceptable; for example, JOHN F. SMITH must appear as John F. Smith. You could spend the next several hours reentering the list—or you could use a formula such as the following, which uses a function to convert the text in cell A1 to the proper case:


Enter this formula once in cell B1 and then copy it down to the next 999 rows. Then select B1:B1000 and use Home Clipboard Copy to copy the range. Next, with B1:B1000 still selected, use Home Clipboard Paste Values to convert the formulas to values. Delete the original column, and you’ve just accomplished several hours of work in less than a minute.

One last example should convince you of the power of functions. Suppose you have a worksheet that calculates sales commissions. If the salesperson sold more than $100,000 of product, the commission rate is 7.5 percent; otherwise the commission rate is 5.0 percent. Without using a function, you would have to create two different formulas and make sure that you used the correct formula for each sales amount. A better solution is to write a formula that uses the IF function to ensure that you calculate the correct commission, regardless of sales amount:


This formula performs some simple decision-making. The formula checks the value of cell A1. If this value is less than 100,000, the formula returns cell A1 multiplied by 5 percent. Otherwise it returns what’s in cell A1, multiplied by 7.5 percent.

New Functions in Excel 2007

Excel 2007 contains five new functions:

  • IFERROR Used to check for an error, and display a message or perform a different calculation.

  • AVERAGEIF Used to calculate a conditional average (similar to SUMIF and COUNTIF).

  • AVERAGEIFS Used to calculate a conditional average using multiple criteria.

  • SUMIFS Used to calculate a conditional sum using multiple criteria.

  • COUNTIFS Used to calculate a conditional COUNT using multiple criteria.

In addition, worksheet functions that formerly required the Analysis ToolPak add-in (which is shipped with Excel) are now built into Excel. So you have access to dozens of additional functions without installing the add-in.

These new functions are described in detail in the Excel Help.

Keep in mind that if you use any of these new functions, you may not be able to share your workbook with someone who uses an earlier version of Excel, unless that person has installed the Analysis ToolPak add-in.

Function arguments

In the preceding examples, you may have noticed that all the functions used parentheses. The information inside the parentheses is called the list of arguments.

Functions vary in how they use arguments. Depending on what it has to do, a function may use

  • No arguments

  • One argument

  • A fixed number of arguments

  • An indeterminate number of arguments

  • Optional arguments

An example of a function that doesn’t use an argument is the NOW function, which returns the current date and time. Even if a function doesn’t use an argument, you must still provide a set of empty parentheses, like this:


If a function uses more than one argument, you must separate each argument with a comma. The examples at the beginning of the chapter used cell references for arguments. Excel is quite flexible when it comes to function arguments, however. An argument can consist of a cell reference, literal values, literal text strings, expressions, and even other functions.


A comma is the list-separator character for the U.S. version of Excel. Some other versions may use a semicolon. The list separator is a Windows setting, which can be adjusted in the Windows Control Panel (the Regional and Language Options dialog box).

More about functions

All told, Excel includes 340 functions. And if that’s not enough, you can purchase additional specialized functions from third-party suppliers—and even create your own custom functions (by using VBA) if you’re so inclined.

Some users feel a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of functions, but you’ll probably find that you use only a dozen or so on a regular basis. And as you’ll see, Excel’s Insert Function dialog box (described later in this chapter) makes it easy to locate and insert a function, even if it’s not one that you use frequently.


You’ll find examples of Excel’s built-in functions in Chapters 16 and 17.

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