Copying or Moving Ranges

As you create a worksheet, you may find it necessary to copy or move information from one location to another. Excel makes copying or moving ranges of cells easy. Here are some common things you might do:

  • Copy a cell to another cell.

  • Copy a cell to a range of cells. The source cell is copied to every cell in the destination range.

  • Copy a range to another range. Both ranges must be the same size.

  • Move a range of cells to another location.

The primary difference between copying and moving a range is the effect of the operation on the source range. When you copy a range, the source range is unaffected. When you move a range, the contents are removed from the source range.


Copying a cell normally copies the cell’s contents, any formatting that is applied to the original cell (including conditional formatting and data validation), and the cell comment (if it has one). When you copy a cell that contains a formula, the cell references in the copied formulas are changed automatically to be relative to their new destination.

Copying or moving consists of two overall steps (although shortcut methods do exist):

Select the cell or range to copy (the source range) and copy it to the Clipboard. To move the range instead of copying it, cut the range rather than copying it.

Move the cell pointer to the range that will hold the copy (the destination range) and paste the Clipboard contents.


When you paste information, Excel overwrites any cells that get in the way without warning you. If you find that pasting overwrote some essential cells, choose Undo from the Quick Access Toolbar (or press Ctrl+Z).


When you copy a cell or range, Excel surrounds the copied area with an animated border (sometimes referred to as “marching ants”). As long as that border remains animated, the copied information is available for pasting. If you press Esc to cancel the animated border, Excel removes the information from the Clipboard.

Because copying (or moving) is used so often, Excel provides many different methods. I discuss each method in the following sections. Copying and moving are similar operations, so I point out only important differences between the two.

Copying by using Ribbon commands

Choosing Home Clipboard Copy transfers a copy of the selected cell or range to the Windows Clipboard and the Office Clipboard. After performing the copy part of this operation, select the cell that will hold the copy and choose Home Clipboard Paste.

Rather than using Home Clipboard Paste, you can just activate the destination cell and press Enter. If you use this technique, Excel removes the copied information from the Clipboard so that it can’t be pasted again.


If you click the Copy button more than once before you click the Paste button, Excel may automatically display the Office Clipboard task bar. To prevent this task bar from appearing, click the Options button at the bottom and then remove the check mark from Show Office Clipboard Automatically.

Understanding the Office Clipboard

Whenever you cut or copy information from a Windows program, Windows stores the information on the Windows Clipboard, which is an area of your computer’s memory. Each time that you cut or copy information, Windows replaces the information previously stored on the Clipboard with the new information that you cut or copied. The Windows Clipboard can store data in a variety of formats. Because Windows manages information on the Clipboard, it can be pasted to other Windows applications, regardless of where it originated.

Office has its own Clipboard, the Office Clipboard, which is available only in Office programs. Whenever you cut or copy information in an Office program, such as Excel, the program places the information on both the Windows Clipboard and the Office Clipboard. However, the program treats information on the Office Clipboard differently than it treats information on the Windows Clipboard. Instead of replacing information on the Office Clipboard, the program appends the information to the Office Clipboard. With multiple items stored on the Clipboard, you can then paste the items either individually or as a group.

Find out more about this feature in the section “Using the Office Clipboard to paste,” later in this chapter.

If you’re copying a range, you don’t need to select an entire same-sized range before you click the Paste button. You need only activate the upper-left cell in the destination range.

Copying by using shortcut menu commands

If you prefer, you can use the following shortcut menu commands for copying and pasting:

  • Right-click the range and choose Copy (or Cut) from the shortcut menu to copy the selected cells to the Clipboard.

  • Right-click and choose Paste from the shortcut menu that appears to paste the Clipboard contents to the selected cell or range.

Rather than using Paste, you can just click the destination cell and press Enter. If you use this technique, Excel removes the copied information from the Clipboard so that it can’t be pasted again.

Copying by using shortcut keys

The copy and paste operations also have shortcut keys associated with them:

  • Ctrl+C copies the selected cells to both the Windows and Office Clipboards.

  • Ctrl+X cuts the selected cells to both the Windows and Office Clipboards.

  • Ctrl+V pastes the Windows Clipboard contents to the selected cell or range.


Most other Windows applications also use these shortcut keys.

Copying or moving by using drag-and-drop

Excel also enables you to copy or move a cell or range by dragging. Be aware, however, that dragging and dropping does not place any information on either the Windows Clipboard or the Office Clipboard.

Using Options Buttons When Inserting and Pasting

Some cell and range operations—specifically inserting, pasting, and filling cells by dragging—result in the display of a pop-up Options button. Clicking the Options button displays choices for completing the insert or paste, such as whether to keep the original formatting for the copied material. For example, if you copy a range and then paste it to a different location, a Paste Options button appears at the lower-right corner of the pasted range. Click the Paste Options button to see the detailed options for pasting.

Some users find these options buttons helpful, while others think that they’re annoying. (Count me in the latter group.) To turn off these buttons, choose Office Button Excel Options and click the Advanced choice. Clear the check mark from the two options labeled Show Paste Options Buttons and Show Insert Options Buttons.


The drag-and-drop method of moving does offer one advantage over the cut -and-paste method—Excel warns you if a drag-and-drop move operation will overwrite existing cell contents. However, you do not get a warning if a drag-and-drop copy operation will overwrite existing cell contents.

To copy using drag-and-drop, select the cell or range that you want to copy and then press Ctrl and move the mouse to one of the selection’s borders (the mouse pointer is augmented with a small plus sign). Then, simply drag the selection to its new location while you continue to press the Ctrl key. The original selection remains behind, and Excel makes a new copy when you release the mouse button. To move a range using drag-and-drop, don’t press Ctrl while dragging the border.


If the mouse pointer doesn’t turn into an arrow when you point to the border of a cell or range, you need to make a change to your settings. Access the Excel Options dialog box, click the Advanced choice in the list at the left, and place a check mark on the option labeled Enable Fill Handle And Cell Drag-And-Drop.

Copying to adjacent cells

Often, you’ll find that you need to copy a cell to an adjacent cell or range. This type of copying is quite common when working with formulas. For example, if you’re working on a budget, you might create a formula to add the values in column B. You can use the same formula to add the values in the other columns. Rather than re-enter the formula, you can copy it to the adjacent cells.

Excel provides additional options for copying to adjacent cells. To use these commands, select the cell that you’re copying and the cells that you’re copying to. Then issue the appropriate command from the following list for one-step copying:

  • Home Editing Fill Down (or Ctrl+D) copies the cell to the selected range below.

  • Home Editing Fill Right (or Ctrl+R) copies the cell to the selected range to the right.

  • Home Editing Fill Up copies the cell to the selected range above.

  • Home Editing Fill Left copies the cell to the selected range to the left.

None of these commands places information on either the Windows Clipboard or the Office Clipboard.


You also can use AutoFill to copy to adjacent cells by dragging the selection’s fill handle (the small square in the bottom-right corner of the selected cell or range). Excel copies the original selection to the cells that you highlight while dragging. For more control over the AutoFill operation, drag the fill handle with the right mouse button, and you’ll get a shortcut menu with additional options.

Copying a range to other sheets

You can use the copy procedures described previously to copy a cell or range to another worksheet, even if the worksheet is in a different workbook. You must, of course, activate the other worksheet before you select the location to which you want to copy.

Excel offers a quicker way to copy a cell or range and paste it to other worksheets in the same workbook. Start by selecting the range to copy. Then, press Ctrl and click the sheet tabs for the worksheets to which you want to copy the information. (Excel displays [Group] in the workbook’s title bar.) Choose Home Editing Fill Across Worksheets, and a dialog box appears to ask you what you want to copy (All, Contents, or Formats). Make your choice and then click OK. Excel copies the selected range to the selected worksheets; the new copy occupies the same cells in the selected worksheets as the original occupies in the initial worksheet.


Be careful with the Home Editing Fill Across Worksheets command because Excel doesn’t warn you when the destination cells contain information. You can quickly overwrite lots of cells with this command and not even realize it.

Using the Office Clipboard to paste

Whenever you cut or copy information in an Office program, such as Excel, you can place the data on both the Windows Clipboard and the Office Clipboard. When you copy information to the Office Clipboard, you append the information to the Office Clipboard instead of replacing what is already there. With multiple items stored on the Office Clipboard, you can then paste the items either individually or as a group.

To use the Office Clipboard, you first need to open it. Use the dialog launcher on the bottom right of the Home Clipboard group to toggle the Clipboard task pane on and off.


To make the Clipboard task pane open automatically, click the Options button near the bottom of the task pane and choose the Show Office Clipboard Automatically option.

After you open the Clipboard task pane, select the first cell or range that you want to copy to the Office Clipboard and copy it by using any of the preceding techniques. Repeat this process, selecting the next cell or range that you want to copy. As soon as you copy the information, the Office Clipboard task pane shows you the number of items that you’ve copied and a brief description (it will hold up to 24 items). Figure 14-17 shows the Office Clipboard with five copied items.

Figure 14-17. Use the Clipboard task pane to copy and paste multiple items.

When you’re ready to paste information, select the cell into which you want to paste information. To paste an individual item, click it in the Clipboard task pane. To paste all the items that you’ve copied, click the Paste All button.

You can clear the contents of the Office Clipboard by clicking the Clear All button.

The following items about the Office Clipboard and its functioning are worth noting:

  • Excel pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard when you paste either by choosing Home Clipboard Paste, by pressing Ctrl+V, or by right-clicking to choose Paste from the shortcut menu.

  • The last item that you cut or copied appears on both the Office Clipboard and the Windows Clipboard.

  • Clearing the Office Clipboard also clears the Windows Clipboard.


The Office Clipboard, however, has a serious problem that makes it virtually worthless for Excel users: If you copy a range that contains formulas, the formulas are not transferred when you paste to a different range. Only the values are pasted. Furthermore, Excel doesn’t even warn you about this fact.

Pasting in special ways

You may not always want to copy everything from the source range to the destination range. For example, you may want to copy only the formula results rather than the formulas themselves. Or you may want to copy the number formats from one range to another without overwriting any existing data or formulas.

To control what is copied into the destination range, choose Home Clipboard, and then click the bottom half of the Paste button to open the drop-down menu shown in Figure 14-18. Options are:

  • Paste: Pastes the cell’s contents, formats, and data validation from the Windows Clipboard.

  • Formulas: Pastes formulas, but not formatting.

  • Paste Values: Pastes the results of formulas. The destination for the copy can be a new range or the original range. In the latter case, Excel replaces the original formulas with their current values.

  • No Borders: Pastes everything except any borders that appear in the source range.

  • Transpose: Changes the orientation of the copied range. Rows become columns, and columns become rows. Any formulas in the copied range are adjusted so that they work properly when transposed.

  • Paste Link: Creates formulas in the destination range that refer to the cells in the copied range.

  • Paste Special: Displays the Paste Special dialog box (described in the next section).

  • Paste As Hyperlink: Creates a clickable hyperlink to the copied cell or range, which can be in the same workbook or in a different workbook. The Paste As Hyperlink command is not available if the workbook has not been saved.

  • As Picture: Pastes the copied information as a picture. If you use the Paste Picture Link option, Excel creates a “live” picture that is updated if the source range is changed.

Figure 14-18. Excel offers several pasting options.

Using the Paste Special Dialog box

For maximum flexibility in what gets pasted, choose Home Clipboard Paste (bottom half of button) Paste Special to display the Paste Special dialog box (see Figure 14-19). You also can right-click and select Paste Special to display this dialog box. This dialog box has several options, which I explain in the following list.

Figure 14-19. The Paste Special dialog box.


Excel actually has several different Paste Special dialog boxes. The one displayed depends on what’s copied. This section describes the Paste Special dialog box that appears when a range or cell has been copied.


For the Paste Special command to be available, you need to copy a cell or range. (Choosing Home Clipboard Cut doesn’t work.)

  • All: Pastes the cell’s contents, formats, and data validation from the Windows Clipboard.

  • Formulas: Pastes values and formulas, with no formatting.

  • Values: Pastes values and the results of formulas (no formatting). The destination for the copy can be a new range or the original range. In the latter case, Excel replaces the original formulas with their current values.

  • Formats: Copies only the formatting.

  • Comments: Copies only the cell comments from a cell or range. This option doesn’t copy cell contents or formatting.

  • Validation: Copies the validation criteria so the same data validation will apply. Data validation is applied by choosing Data Data Tools Data Validation.

  • All Using Source Theme: Pastes everything, but uses the formatting from the document theme of the source. This option is relevant only if you’re pasting information from a different workbook, and the workbook uses a different document theme than the active workbook.

  • All Except Borders: Pastes everything except borders that appear in the source range.

  • Column Widths: Pastes only column width information.

  • Formulas And Number Formats: Pastes all values, formulas and number formats (but no other formatting).

  • Values And Number Formats: Pastes all values and numeric formats, but not the formulas themselves.

In addition, the Paste Special dialog box enables you to perform other operations, described in the following sections.

Performing mathematical operations without formulas

The option buttons in the Operation section of the Paste Special dialog box let you perform an arithmetic operation. For example, you can copy a range to another range and select the Multiply operation. Excel multiplies the corresponding values in the source range and the destination range and replaces the destination range with the new values.

This feature also works with a single copied cell, pasted to a range. Assume that you have a range of values, and you want to increase each value by 5 percent. Enter 105% into any blank cell and copy that cell to the Clipboard. Then select the range of values and bring up the Paste Special dialog box. Select the Multiply option, and each value in the range is multiplied by 105 percent.


If the destination range contains formulas, the formulas are also modified. In many cases, this is not what you want.

Skipping blanks when pasting

The Skip Blanks option in the Paste Special dialog box prevents Excel from overwriting cell contents in your paste area with blank cells from the copied range. This option is useful if you’re copying a range to another area but don’t want the blank cells in the copied range to overwrite existing data.

Transposing a range

The Transpose option in the Paste Special dialog box changes the orientation of the copied range. Rows become columns, and columns become rows. Any formulas in the copied range are adjusted so that they work properly when transposed. Note that you can use this check box with the other options in the Paste Special dialog box. Figure 14-20 shows an example of a horizontal range (A1:F1) that was transposed to a vertical range (A3:A8).

Figure 14-20. Transposing a range changes the orientation as the information is pasted into the worksheet.


If you click the Paste Link button in the Paste Special dialog box, you create formulas that link to the source range. As a result, the destination range automatically reflects changes in the source range.

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