Preparing for Outside Printing

Sometimes you want to be able to send your publication to a print shop for printing on a professional press rather than on your own printer. Publisher can help you prepare your files for that purpose.

Give Your Printer and Yourself a Break

Small print shops labor every day to deal with errors in Publisher files, from wrong output colors to unneeded spot colors to other poor document design and setup problems. If you’re unwilling or unable to take the time to learn about and fix these types of issues, please be willing to pay your service bureau a fair fee for fixing them. The following are always good practices for working with a print shop to get your publication file printed right:

  • Know and adhere to the print shop’s requirements.

  • If you have questions but want to do the work yourself, consult Publisher’s extensive help on this subject and ask the printer for tips.

  • Most print shops will review a file for problems before printing it. Sending your file for such an advanced check-up provides time to fix problems.

  • Be professional. A professional admits to errors and is willing to learn and change. If you keep submitting bad files to the print shop, you’ll keep getting poorly printed materials.

Choose File Pack and Go Take to a Commercial Printing Service. (The other option here, Take to Another Computer, can split your file over multiple disks, embed necessary fonts, and include linked graphics, making it easy for you or someone else to work on your publication on another computer.) Choosing File Pack and Go Take to a Commercial Printing Service opens a wizard that takes you step by step through the process of preparing your files for outside printing, including embedding TrueType fonts, including linked graphics, creating links for embedded graphics, compressing your publication, and adding an unpacking a utility for uncompressing it when it gets to its destination.


Some printers now prefer that you submit your publication as a PDF file. Microsoft offers a free add-in that you can download and install to enable Publisher to create PDF files. Search Publisher help for “PDF” to learn more about PDF files and getting the PDF add-in.

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