Working with Rows and Columns

This section discusses worksheet operations that involve rows and columns. Rows and columns make up an Excel worksheet. Every worksheet has exactly 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, and these values can’t be changed.


If you open a workbook that was created in a previous version of Excel, the workbook is opened in “compatibility mode.” These workbooks have 65,536 rows and 256 columns. To increase the number of rows and columns, save the workbook as an Excel 2007 XLSX file and then reopen it.

Inserting rows and columns

Although the number of rows and columns in a worksheet is fixed, you can still insert and delete rows and columns if you need to make room for additional information. These operations don’t change the number of rows or columns. Rather, inserting a new row moves down the other rows to accommodate the new row. The last row is simply removed from the worksheet if it’s empty. Inserting a new column shifts the columns to the right, and the last column is removed if it’s empty.


If the last row isn’t empty, you can’t insert a new row. Similarly, if the last column contains information, Excel doesn’t let you insert a new column. Attempting to add a row or column displays a warning dialog box shown. Click OK and then move or eliminate the contents of the nonblank cells to continue.

To insert a new row or rows, you can use any of these techniques:

  • Select an entire row or multiple rows by clicking the row numbers in the worksheet border. Right-click and choose Insert from the shortcut menu.

  • Move the cell pointer to the row that you want to insert and then choose Home Cells Insert Insert Sheet Rows. If you select multiple cells in the column, Excel inserts additional rows that correspond to the number of cells selected in the column and moves the rows below the insertion down.

The procedures for inserting a new column or columns is similar, but you choose Home Cells Insert Insert Sheet Columns.

You also can insert cells, rather than just rows or columns. Select the range into which you want to add new cells and then choose Home Cells Insert Insert Cells (or right-click the selection and choose Insert). To insert cells, the existing cells must be shifted to the right or shifted down. Therefore, Excel displays the Insert dialog box shown in Figure 14-11 so that you can specify the direction in which you want to shift the cells.

Figure 14-11. You can insert partial rows or columns by using the Insert dialog box.

Deleting rows and columns

You may also want to delete rows or columns in a worksheet. For example, your sheet may contain old data that is no longer needed.

To delete a row or rows, use either of these methods:

  • Select an entire row or multiple rows by clicking the row numbers in the worksheet border. Right-click and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.

  • Move the cell pointer to the row that you want to delete and then choose Home Cells Delete Delete Sheet Rows. If you select multiple cells in the column, Excel deletes all rows in the selection.

Deleting columns works in a similar way. If you discover that you accidentally deleted a row or column, select Undo from the Quick Access Toolbar (or press Ctrl+Z) to undo the action.

Hiding rows and columns

In some cases, you may want to hide particular rows or columns. Hiding rows and columns may be useful if you don’t want users to see certain information or if you need to print a report that summarizes the information in the worksheet without showing all the details.

To hide rows or columns in your worksheet, select the row or rows that you want to hide by clicking in the row or column header. Then right-click and choose Hide from the shortcut menu. Or, you can use the commands on the Home Cells Format drop-down list.


You also can drag the row or column’s border to hide the row or column. You must drag the border in the row or column heading. Drag the bottom border of a row upward or the border of a column to the left.

A hidden row is actually a row with its height set to zero. Similarly, a hidden column has a column width of zero. When you use the arrow keys to move the cell pointer, cells in hidden rows or columns are skipped.

Unhiding a hidden row or column can be a bit tricky because selecting a row or column that’s hidden is difficult. The solution is to select the columns or rows that are adjacent to the hidden column or row. (Select at least one column or row on either side.) Then right-click and choose Unhide. For example, if column G is hidden, select columns F and H.

Another method is to choose Home Find & Select Go To (or its F5 equivalent) to select a cell in a hidden row or column. For example, if column A is hidden, you can press F5 and specify cell A1 (or any other cell in column A) to move the cell pointer to the hidden column. Then you can choose Home Cells Format Hide & Unhide Unhide Columns.

Changing column widths and row heights

Often, you’ll want to change the width of a column or the height of a row. For example, you can make columns narrower to accommodate more information on a printed page. Or you may want to increase row height to create a “double-spaced” effect.

Excel provides several different ways to change the widths of columns and the height of rows.

Changing column widths

Column width is measured in terms of the number of characters of a fixed pitch font that will fit into the cell’s width. By default, each column’s width is 8.43 units, which equates to 64 pixels.


If pound sign symbols (#) fill a cell that contains a numerical value, the column isn’t wide enough to accommodate the cell entry. Widen the column to solve the problem.

Before you change the column width, you can select multiple columns so that the width will be the same for all selected columns. To select multiple columns, either drag in the column border or press Ctrl while you click individual columns. To select all columns, click the button where the row and column headers intersect (or press Ctrl+A). You can change the width for the selected columns by using any of the following techniques.

  • Drag the right column border with the mouse until the column is the desired width.

  • Choose Home Cells Format Column Width and enter a value in the Column Width dialog box.

  • Choose Home Cells Format AutoFit Column Width to adjust the width of the selected column so that the widest entry in the column fits. Rather than selecting an entire column, you can just select cells in the column, and the column is adjusted based on the widest entry in your selection.

  • Double-click the right border of a column header to set the column width automatically to the widest entry in the column.


To change the default width for all columns, choose Home Cells Format Default Width. This command displays a dialog box into which you enter the new default column width. All columns that haven’t been previously adjusted take on the new column width.


After you manually adjust a column’s width, Excel will no longer automatically adjust the column to accommodate longer numerical entries.

Changing row heights

Row height is measured in points (a standard unit of measurement in the printing trade—72 points is equal to 1 inch). The default row height using the default font is 15 points, or 20 pixels.

The default row height can vary, depending on the font defined in the Normal style. In addition, Excel automatically adjusts row heights to accommodate the tallest font in the row. So, if you change the font size of a cell to 20 points, for example, Excel makes the column taller so that the entire text is visible.

Changing the row height is useful for spacing out rows and is almost always preferable to inserting empty rows between lines of data. You can set the row height manually by using any of the following techniques. As with columns, you can select multiple rows to size them all at once.

  • Drag the lower row border with the mouse until the row is the desired height.

  • Choose Home Cells Format Row Height and enter a value (in points) in the Row Height dialog box.

  • Double-click the bottom border of a row to set the row height automatically to the tallest entry in the row. You also can choose Home Cells Format AutoFit Row Height for this task.

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