
Our dashboard is ready. Now it is time to create a story to showcase the insights found from analyzing the dashboard.

Before creating a new story, it is required that we take screenshots of our findings.

For example, one of the findings which we can include in the story is that the growth of the online channel has been extraordinary for the current year, as compared to the reseller channel, which has grown comparatively less. So to show this finding, we will take snapshots of the KPIs by clicking on the camera button, as shown in following image:

Once you click on the camera button, it will ask you to add the description of the screenshot taken. This helps in identifying the right screenshot from the library.

Once you finish taking screenshots of all the charts and graphs, you can create a new story. For this, you can go to stories, create a new story, and give name as Monthly Sales Review, or you can give any name of your choice, as shown in the following image:

Once the story is created, click on it to open the design view of the story, as shown in the following image:

Now you can start creating the story by dragging the screenshots taken of the various charts. It is a good practice to start a story with an introduction page, similar to what we do while creating presentations. For our example, you can create an introduction slide, as shown next:

You can put a relevant image or logo of the company in your story, and you can also give a title to the presentation, like shown in the previous screenshot.

Once the introduction slide is ready, you can start putting the screenshots of the relevant analysis in single slide and describe your findings. In our example, we found good insights on omni-channel sales which is presented in the following screenshot:

You can see in the preceding screenshot that we have presented total sales, reseller sales, and online sales. The KPIs show the difference between the values and that provides the action point for the business to think about improving the reseller sales by giving them good discounts.

Another finding related to quota achievement is shown as follows:

While analyzing the data, we found that the region Central has not been achieving the quota for the last 12 months. It is a serious concern for the business and they must find appropriate answers from the sales manager of that region about the same.

Similarly, we found useful analysis of employee performance, which is shown following figure:

The data shows that there is something wrong in the allocation of quota to some of the employees. One of the examples found was about employee Syed Abbas. He has over achieved the quota by almost 505.4 percent, but when the month on month trend is seen for that employee, it is found that the achievement is not consistent. The sales done by him is not great as well. This means that he has not been assigned a proper quota value.

You can thus create multiple stories which depict the insights and also annotate on what can be the action points, and present them to the management.

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