Element 6: Technology and infrastructure

This element is about the business analyst assessing what the potential technology and infrastructure changes should include in order to achieve the desired future state.

Let's consider some real-world examples of where changes to technology and infrastructure may need to be identified and analyzed by the business analyst: 

Example 1: The current accounting software package at a financial institution runs on a Linux-based server. The solution identified for the future state requires a different operating system.

A great way to learn the content of all the BABOK® v3.0 Guide tasks is to relate each and every task to a real-world scenario you have personal experience of. Do this by considering the task and the elements of the task, and then find your own real-world example based on previous experience. If you are unable to find a suitable memory of this, make up another real-world scenario that would be relevant and true.

Another consideration in this context may be that the existing technology in an organization may impose technical constraints on the design of the solution. 

Example 2: The existing technology within a financial institution may only accept file communication and integration if it is in a specific flat-file format. This constraint impacts the design of the solution for the file communication protocols needed for the desired future state.

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