People get increases, not qualifications

Just as there is no get-rich-quick scheme that actually works, there is no get-an-instant-massive-increase scheme that works either. This chapter is not about how to get an instant or undeserving increase that is demanded by you as the worker. No—this chapter is about planning and executing a reasonable and goal-oriented strategy to ensure you get the most return out of your contribution to your organization every day so that you can feel great about your earnings and the extra benefits it can bring into your life.

So, now that is clear, let's just say a few more words about this chapter.

You might have noticed that I said the process of planning your salary increase in the first paragraph, rather than the one conversation about your salary increase. There is a reason for that. You will learn what that is in this chapter.

Another word that we will redefine here is asking. Asking in this context describes all the activities you perform on your journey to getting the increase you deserve, and we simply use the term "asking" to capture all these activities—and, of course, this is also the polite term to use. 

But I am getting ahead of myself. I will start by telling you a little about what I have learned and observed both from the employee perspective as well as the employer's side when it comes to increased earnings. Let's start with the employee.

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