Case Study: Police criminal record management system

Program initiative background: The Australian police force currently uses an old mainframe system to record any police incidents and criminal record information. This system is very outdated and not user-friendly at all. New, younger police officers find it particularly hard to learn because it is very unfamiliar, old-fashioned technology. Although this system contains a wealth of criminal record data, some of this data is inaccurate and it is very hard for police officers to find any critical information in a timely fashion. This means that due to all these limiting factors, police are less effective in their roles than they would be if they had the right information available at the right time. Other issues such as finding missing people using the information available is also very hard to match to new police information when it becomes available. The effect of this cumbersome, old-fashioned system is that police members feel disempowered and frustrated. There is a proposal being put forward by senior leaders within the police force to replace the current mainframe system with a new, up-to-date criminal record system that addresses the preceding problems. The new system will include all the current criminal record system's functionality as well as new out-of-the-box capabilities. The senior leaders have had a lot of recent pressure from a variety of sources and are now committed to driving this change through the organization. Some of these sources include the government, the community themselves, as well as the many proven technology solutions in the market, which leaves this police force with no excuse but to take action with this initiative. 

The expectation is that implementing this new system will help police reduce crime, find more missing people, and boost the morale of police officers in general. It will also bring the police systems up to date with modern technology, which will enable them to respond much quicker to critical incidents. Although quantifying the benefits of this system is hard, the general belief is that the new system will save the taxpayer $5 million dollars in the next 5 years, with a big reduction in the system maintenance bill they currently have to pay to maintain the old technology. This initiative will include integration with other law enforcement agencies to enable information sharing to make policing in the general community more effective. They are proposing to include document management capabilities in the solution scope to reduce paper usage and to expedite the resolution of case records that are due in court.

Question 1

Consider the following extract from the provided case study: "This system is very outdated and not user-friendly at all." This leads to poor police officer performance and affects the ability of the police to be highly effective when policing the streets.

Which element of the "Analyze Current State" task is being described here?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Policies

B. Organizational structure

C. Business needs

D. Gap analysis

Question 2

Using the provided case study, from which level in the organization is the change being driven from implementing the new criminal records system?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. From the bottom up

B. From middle management

C. From external drivers

D. From the top down

Question 3

Using the provided case study, which of the following is an example of an external influencer who is driving the need for this system change for the police force?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Customers / Community

B. Young police members

C. Internal Policy

D. Social media

Question 4

Using the provided case study, there are three main aspects mentioned to be included as part of the solution scope of the change:

  1. All existing functionality of the current system
  2. Any additional out-of-the-box functionality a new system may include

Select the description for the third capability to be included in the solution scope from the following:

A. Mobile devices to record criminal details

B. Document management system

C. Real-time "person of interest" search capability

D. Analytical reporting capabilities

Question 5

Using the provided case study, the following statement describes a business goal that they want to achieve by implementing the new system: "the new system will save the taxpayer $5 million dollars in the next 5 years."

This objective meets the common test for assessing goals and objectives. What does the acronym SMART stand for?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-bound.

B. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound.

C. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

D. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-bound.

Question 6

Using the provided case study, when the old system is replaced by the new system, there is a risk that some critical incidents and criminal record data will be unavailable to police officers during the transition period. This transition period will only be for a couple of hours. Which other aspects should you analyze in relation to this risk?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Likelihood, alternative solutions, and possible consequences if the risk occurs.

B. Because it is only for a couple of hours, there is no need to analyze the risk further.

C. Only analyze the likelihood of the risk occurring.

D. Likelihood, impact, and possible consequences if the risk occurs.

Question 7

Using the provided case study, the police force is concerned that the planned future state may not include all capabilities currently available in the current state system. Which activity would you perform to compare the current state and future state capabilities to address this concern?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Value analysis

B. Functional analysis

C. Risk analysis

D. Gap analysis

Question 8

Using the provided case study, the police force is very open to the change that is planned with the new system but they have some considerations that will need to be taken into account before the change is implemented. Which of the following strategy analysis tasks will provide them with an assessment of alternative approaches that could be taken prior to selecting the recommended approach?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Define Future State

B. Define Change Strategy

C. Assess Risks

D. Define Change Approach Options

Question 9

Using the provided case study, due to the context of the police force, they will not be open to taking any risks that could endanger the community's safety in any way. They would therefore not take a project risk that could mean that they cannot get access to the required police information when they need it. Considering this, which risk tolerance level describes the police force in this scenario best?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Risk-seeking

B. Risk-accepting

C. Neutral

D. Risk-averse

Question 10

Using the provided case study, identify the intangible and subjective benefits mentioned that the new system could provide when it is implemented.

Select the correct answers from the choices that follow:

A. Boost the morale of police members

B. Reduce crime by 10%

C. Find more missing people

D. Save $5 million dollars in 5 years

Question 11

The strategy analysis knowledge area is described as consisting of four tasks. Which of the following options are NOT part of this knowledge area?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Define Future State

B. Assess Changes

C. Assess Risks

D. Analyze Current State

Question 12

The Analyze Current State task is described as part of the strategy analysis knowledge area. Which one of the following describes an output of the Analyze Current State task?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Stakeholder requirements

B. Future state description

C. Business needs

D. Business requirements

Question 13

The Assess Risks task is described as part of the strategy analysis knowledge area. Which one of the following describes an output of the Assess Risks task?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Risk Analysis Response

B. Risk Analysis Results

C. Risk Analysis Assessment

D. Risk Analysis Appetite

Question 14

Which one of the tasks in the strategy analysis knowledge area has the following purpose?

"…to understand the reasons why an enterprise needs to change some aspect of how it operates and what would be directly or indirectly affected by the change..."

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Analyze Current State

B. Assess Risks

C. Assess Change Strategy

D. Define Future State

Question 15

Assessing risks includes analyzing and managing them. When you analyze risks as part of the Assess Risks task, you are doing it for one of the following reasons.

Select the most relevant reason from the choices that follow:

A. To understand the impact of the consequences better

B. To understand the possible consequences if the risk occurs better

C. To understand the likelihood of the risk occurring better

D. All of these reasons

Question 16

"The starting point for any change is an understanding of when the change is needed…"

Choose whether this statement is true or false:

A. True

B. False

Question 17

Let's consider the Analyze Current State task as part of the strategy analysis knowledge area: Which one of the following options describes an element of the Analyze Current State task?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Policies

B. Gap analysis

C. External assets

D. Unknowns

Question 18 

Which of the following considerations should be included when selecting the preferred change strategy to follow when working in the strategy analysis context?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Costs and investments needed to make the change

B. Organizational readiness

C. Competitors approach to change

D. Alignment to business objectives

Question 19

Which of the following should be defined before a gap analysis can be performed?

Select the correct answer from the choices that follow:

A. Neither the current State or the future state

B. Only the future state

C. The current state and the future state

D. Only the current state

Question 20

"Business analysts analyze the enterprise to assess its capacity to make the change and to sustain the change in the future state."

Choose whether this statement is true or false:

A. True

B. False

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