Job:01579 Title: Graphic Design Translated (Rockport)
001-015 01579.indd 14001-015 01579.indd 14 11/20/09 4:26:33 PM11/20/09 4:26:33 PM
Job:01579 Title: Graphic Design Translated (Rockport)
In some cases, such as the entries for
apostrophe and leading, the corresponding
illustrations are intended to be direct and
unambiguous; the text is supplemental to
the images. For other entries, however, the
imagery serves as just one among many
valid examples of the term described.
Obviously, there is no single solution or
best choice for illustrating these more
conceptual terms, such as balance and
white space. In such cases, then, the work
shown may require some “unpacking” on
the part of the reader.
So much of visual communication design
is dependent upon relationships. The rela-
tionship of fi gure to ground, for example, or
positive and negative space. Rhythm and
balance exist within a particular context;
each is understood only in terms of its
surroundings. Typography, too, is driven
largely by relationships. Letter spacing,
leading—even ligatures—are meant to
harmonize such relationships.
It should come as no surprise, then that
many of the terms included in Graphic
Design, Translated are cross-referenced
with other, related terms described else-
where in the book. These are indicated with
bold type. Italic type is used to highlight
industry terminology that, while important
for a thorough understanding of the sub-
ject, is beyond the scope of this book.
Although all descriptions have been fully
translated, some terms have not. Some of
the terms, such as RGB, obviously require
no translation and are therefore listed
under the same spelling in each section
of the book. There are also some terms
that do not have equivalent words in other
languages. In those cases, readers will be
directed to a related or similar term. For
instance, there is no German word for cali-
per, but there is a German word for ream,
the term that most closely corresponds
to caliper. So, under caliper, next to the
German reference, readers will be directed
to ream.
Translated terms are indicated at the
end of each description, along with the
corresponding page numbers for those
terms. Each language section is alphabeti-
cal according to that language for easy
reference. There is also an index in the
back of the book to fi nd page numbers
corresponding to specifi c terms in any
How To Use This Book
The two hundred-plus terms in this book are listed
alphabetically for easy reference. Along with each term’s
description is a visual representation of the element,
technology, or concept being explained.
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